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Pepys’ Diary

In New Year’s Day 1660, Samuel Pepys started a diary. He kept it for nine whole years. Pepys sadly how to stop his diary due to the fact he was going blind. Here, we have two entries of historical events that happened in England. In these entries, Pepys writes about the coronation of Charles II and the London Fire.

Pepys describes, as far as I can understand, the coronation of Charles II as magnificent. Charles is basically arriving into London in April 23, 1661. The people are excited to see him back again from exile. The new king is being made king of England. Pepys is invited to dinner with the king after the coronation.

Pepys describes the London Fire of September 2, 1666 as well. This fire destroyed most of London. Pepys was at home when the fire started. The flames spread like a disease from house to house and to the London Bridge. It left the city in ruin. Pepys decided the fire as malicious and I don’t blame him!

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