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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Pisces Heat:

Roka became nervous. “A collar of love?” he thought. “Oh this is not good!” Earlier today, Jiao mercilessly picked on him. She kept talking about how she wanted to be on top of him. What she wanted to do with his body. How she wanted to suck on his…

Roka shook his head hard at that last part. It didn’t bear repeating. But that wasn’t his only problem. The priest came to realize something. He had grown sexually attracted to Noiz. Not only that, Roka started to look at Jiao the same way. He shook his head again. “No!” he thought. “I can’t let them get to me!” Roka had to do something before he succumb to his own desires. But what? What could he do to stop his desires and this blossoming love? Roka hung his head stressed. The battle went on once again.

Rob sat on the couch in the den reading. He heard the door shut above him. Curious, Rob went up the stairs to investigate. Noiz had just went out the door for the evening. The mouse wondered where. He stepped out on the porch.

“Hey!” the mouse called out. “Noiz-sama where are you going?” She paused and turned to him.

“Just out on the city,” the cat replied. “Want to come?” Rob perked up some.

“Okay!” he said. “Hang on!” Rob put on his shoes and hurried out the door with her. Noiz smiled at him warmly.

“Ready to go?” she asked. Rob nodded at her happily.

“Yeah!” he said quickly.

“Okay then,” his girlfriend replied. “Let’s go.”

“Yay!” the mouse called out. They headed out the gate into the city.

“So where are we going tonight?” her pet asked.

“Oh,” Noiz replied. “Just nowhere in particular.” The mouse smiled a bit.

“I like that,” he said to her. The two walked on. Rob just followed his hot beloved kitty deeper into the city. They came to a karaoke bar. Noiz turned to him smiling.

“Well,” she said. “What do you think?” Rob looked at the place for a moment. He nodded a bit at last.

“Good enough,” he replied. Noiz perked up some.

“Great!” she called. They went right inside. Nightlife had just opened up here. Mostly women and girls were here. The only men there were the ones dragged out by the women in this place. Rob felt like the odd man out here. Noiz didn’t seem bothered at all. She just ordered a private room for her and the mouse. Once that was settled, the kitty turned back to her pet.

“Follow me,” she told him. The pet complied naturally. The hot pair came all the way down the hall. Noiz unlocked the door and went inside. Rob followed after her. Noiz turned on the lights. Inside looked like a standard private karaoke box for two. Rob couldn’t remember the last time he had been in a karaoke bar. Noiz stepped forward.

“I’ll go first, I guess,” she spoke up. Rob nodded at her softly.

“Okay,” he replied. Noiz moved to the machine and put money in it. The screen lit up right away. The kitty took her time picking out the song she wanted.

“Let’s see,” she said. “What shall I chose?” Noiz looked on quietly. Finally, she came across the ending song for Ai Yori Aoshi. The kitty’s eyes lit up some.

“Ah,” she said. “Here’s a good song.” The cat hit up number 113. The disc went in and the music started up. Rob looked all around him. He recognized the music right away. “Why this is…” the mouse thought. Noiz began to sing right away.


What is the most delicate thing in this world?


Even so, it is there to protect us


Even out of the words as numerous as stars


I want to hear it from your voice


So tell me it's love


Tell me that's love


Even though we're like two anonymous flowers


To fall in love


To be so strong


Because I want you to feel the same thing too


This tiny fleeting love


Suppose it's time to change the future


I want to laugh by your side and change it too


Even if my tears suddenly overflow


I'll shine with a word from you


So tell me it's love


Tell me that's love


Even if we're like meandering flowing water


Tell me we'll meet


Tell me you'll always be there


This love that leads the two of us


To a place of gentle happiness, touched by the wind


I want to hear it from your voice


Tell me it's love


Tell me that's love


Even though we're like two anonymous flowers


Tell me you're going to love


Tell me you're going to be strong


Because I want you to feel the same thing too


This tiny fleeting love


Afterwards, Noiz looked at her score. It marked average. Not bad and not good. Rob clapped at her slightly amazed. The kitty smiled at him modestly.

“It was nothing, really,” she said to him in the same tone. The two spent the night singing karaoke to each. Noiz ordered dinner for them both in the room. Rob even wooed Noiz into making out with him a couple of times. Towards closing time, the mouse noticed something right away.

“Hey Noiz,” Rob spoke up as they headed out the door.

“Hm?” his kitty asked looking behind her. Rob shuffled a bit.

“Were we… on a date just now?” he asked her. Silence passed over them for a moment. Then, Noiz giggled at him some. Rob became confused at her response.

“Well, were we?” he asked again. Noiz smiled at him in a bright way.

“You can call it that if you want!” she said at last. Rob still stared at her blankly.

“Huh?” he asked. The cat smiled at him still. She gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Rob’s mind went blank from there. His kitty smiled at him wickedly. She leaned in close to his ear.

“I’ll take you home now,” she whispered to him in a naughty way. The mouse could only nod. Noiz smirked at him in a cheeky way. Then, she took him by the hand and led him back to their palace.