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Push It

I: The End is Near:

*The women sat around in a room with five chairs*

Erin: Well, the end is here.

Girls: Yeah.

*Erin smacked her thighs*

Erin: Anyone got anything to say?


Erin: Okay then…

*Pyro raises her hand*

Erin: Yes?

*Pyro lowers her hand*

Pyro: So it’s really over?

Erin: Yeah.

*Pyro frowned*

Pyro: That sucks.

Erin: Yes, I know.

*All of them went quiet*

II: What Happens Now?:

Paige: What do we do now?

*Erin shrugged and shook her head*

Erin: Don’t know.

*Niki groaned and rolled her eyes*

Niki: Seriously?

Erin: What do you want me to say?

*Niki wrinkled her nose and rolled her eyes*

Niki: Lame!

Erin: *Under her breath* Shut up, bitch.

Niki: Make me.

*Erin jumps up to attack*

*Paige and Becky held her back*

*Niki stuck out her tongue*

*Erin flips her off and mouths “fuck you” before sitting down*

*Paige and Becky breathe out and sit down*

III: Final Words:

Erin: So… Any last words?

*No one says a word*

Erin: No one?

*Everyone is still silent*

Erin: Okay then…

*The room is still silent*

IV: Goodbye Pyro:

*Pyro stands up*

Pyro: I’m going to go to Canada.

*The girls all look at her*

Paige: Why?

*Pyro looks away*

Pyro: My family is moving there.

Erin: Trouble at school?

Pyro: That and dad is branching the company up north.

Erin: Oh.

Pyro: So… Bye.

*She turned and walked out the door*

*Door closes behind her*

V: Goodbye Niki:

*Niki stands up*

Niki: Well, I’m going to too.

*Erin raised her eyebrow*

Erin: Girl, where are you going?

*Niki puts her finger up in the air*

Niki: I’m going to the dick capital of the world! Florida!

*She turns and marches out the door*

*The door slams shut behind her*

VI: Goodbye Becky:

*Becky stands up*

Becky: Actually, I’m leaving too.

*Erin and Paige give her strange looks*

Erin: Where are you going?

*Becky lifted her chin*

Becky: I got offered a job out in LA to make a sci-fi movie based off of one of my short stories.

*Erin tries not to laugh*

Erin: Are you serious?

Becky: Yeah.

*Erin breaks down laughing*

Becky: What?

*Erin calms down*

Erin: I’m sorry. But you making a movie? In Hollywood?

Becky: Yeah.

*Erin shrugs*

Erin: Well… good luck, I guess.

*Becky breathed out as she tries to calm down*

Becky: Thanks.

*She turns and walks out the door*

*The door closes behind her*

*Erin chuckles to herself*

Erin: She’ll be back.

*Months later and Becky is still in LA*

*Erin says nothing*

VII: It’s Just Us Now:

*Erin turns to Paige*

Erin: Well, it’s just us now.

*She notices Paige starting to tear up*

Erin: What?

*Paige breaks down crying*

Paige: I miss them so much!

*She wails really loud*

Erin: Aw, come here.

*She pulls Paige to her side and lets her cry*

*Paige breaks down crying*

*Erin gently shushes her*

Erin: Shhh. It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay.

*She looks up at the ceiling as her girlfriend keeps crying*

Erin: Oh boy…

VIII: Away We Go:

*Months later*

*Erin turns to Paige*

Erin: Ready?

Paige: Yes.

*The women stand up from the chairs*

*They walk out and jump into the real world*

*The couple hold hands and walk away*
