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Welcome Back

*Noiz adjusts the video camera*

*Noiz steps*

Noiz: Okay, when was the last time we did this? *Tries to do a quick count, but quits* I don’t know. But, we’re back. That’s right. We’re going to do another comic about our dumb little lives around Tokyo-Zion Academy. Grapes took a long time to finish, but this time will be different.

T.J.: How?

*Noiz turns around, grinning*

Noiz: Come along and you shall see.

*Noiz breaks into crackling*

T.J.: Oh boy!

*Noiz calms down*

Noiz: Right, let’s get started.

*T.J. puts up his hands*

T.J.: Whatever you say.

*Noiz grins and claps her hands*

Noiz: Okay! We will begin now!