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South Keys Students

North Kingdom:

Richard Carter:

Age: 21

    Richard is the main fighter in the North Kingdom. He fights real hard for freedom. Richard was once a drunken drifter. Now, he's trying to turn his life around. Richard gets into the worst fights with people. Gwen is Richard's love interest. She is like the savior to him and his soul.

Cho Oh:

Age: 16

    Cho is young high-school girl. She is a shy young lady. Cho was a normal girl until King Credric was assassinated. Now, she is a scared little mouse in a kingdom torn in half by conspiracy. Cho tries to stay with all of the women of the North Kingdom. But it's so hard to trust certain people....

Thyme Jackson:

Age: 38

    Thyme is near mid-age. She is a British woman. Her best friend, Rosemary, is on the other side of the wall. Thyme is a wise old woman who like tea and quiet. The woman acts like a mother to Cho and Bettie. Thyme is the one who washes the clothes other the people in the kingdom.

Phil Lee:

Age: 17

    Phil is a tech genius. He is Jim and Bettie's older brother. Cho has a secret crush on him. Phil also likes the girl himself. But he's too shy to say so. Phil has to watch over Jim and Bettie while their mother is away. He is trying to break down the wall that separates North and South kingdom. Phil is always with Mike and Richard.

Madison Hall:

Age: 29

    Madison is an unstable woman. She is worse than Cho. The woman was once a mild train wreck but since the Credric's death and the building of the wall, she has gotten worse. On top of that, her husband was shot to death by the guards and she witnessed it first hand. Madison is Malcolm's mother. The other women try to help her get stronger. Madison cries all of the time. She also prays long and hard.

Bettie Lee:

Age: 12

    Bettie is a young girl with a big voice. The girl loves to sing. She and her two brothers got separated from their mother when the wall was built by the order by Queen Lyla. Bettie always follows Jim and Phil around. She always tries to find a bright side to things. But Bettie will learn to grow stronger on herself.

Mike Moses:

Age: 21

    Mike is the other fighter in North Kingdom. He and Richard fight constantly. Mike is tougher than Richard is. Why? He killed somebody. Mike's girlfriend's, Rose, is on the other side of the wall. The man made a promise to her to never kill and lie again. He hopes to reunite with this girlfriend.

Gene Spade

Age: 23

    Gene is a minister. The man was close to Credric before he died. When the king died, Gene fled for his life. He tries to hold this rag-tag group together. It's harder than it looks. Gene is the peacemaker between Richard and Mike. But is the minister really hiding something?

Frankie Neal

Age: 19

    Frankie is a dreamer. Her boyfriend, Ashton, is in the South Kingdom. Frankie stays close to Cho and Tina to protect them from harm of spies in the North Kingdom. She hopes to reunite with Ashton again.

Jim Lee:

Age: 14

    Jim is Phil and Bettie's brother. He was the closest one to their mother. Jim is too protective over Bettie. He is secretly afraid and wants to be back with his mother. But Jim fights off his fear with all of the strength he has. He likes Kat.

Michiko Lang:

Age: 17

    Michiko is a great artist. That seemed useless at first but, then she is used to draw maps to find a way to the South Kingdom. Michiko is quiet and tries to keep to herself. Vince is her boyfriend and he too is in South Kingdom. Secretly, Michiko is the princess of the two shattered kingdoms but she keeps this truth to herself in order to protect herself from Queen Lyla. If the princess dies, hope for a reunion is lost.

Malcolm Hall

Age: 18 months

    Malcolm is Madison's son. He is the only thing that his mother has. Madison gets into a panic attack when someone tries to take Malcolm. Everyone looks after the baby.

Tina New

Age: 19

    Tina is activist in her own way. She is a wild soul. The woman has the guys beat. Tina hunts, fights, and protects the woman and children. The older men have a crush on her. But Tina never notices a thing....

Mae Orleans

Age: 8

    Mae is the sweet little girl in North Kingdom. Her father, Huishi, is in the South Kingdom. Mae's mother died in the rampage. The kid hopes to be back with her daddy soon. Mae is always cheery, no matter what.

South Kingdom

Tea Clarkson

Age: 18

    Tea is Ashton's twin sister. She always looks after her brother. The girl is always to head the South Kingdom together. Tea is hoping the kingdom will reunite again. She is really close to Broadie.

Rosemary Lee

Age: 38

    Rosemary is Thyme's old friend. They were close together until the wall was built. Rosemary is like her friend to the residents in South Kingdom. Only, she is more strict on the group as a whole. She is also Phil, Jim, and Bettie's mother.

Gwen Jovi

Age: 23

    Gwen is like a princess in South Kingdom. She is really ladylike. Richard is her lover. But one must ask themselves: How could a lady like Gwen attract a ruffian like Richard? No one well know. But anyway, Gwen serves as the thug's light to salvation.

Melvin Finn

Age: 15

    Melvin is the quiet nerd. He too is trying to break down the wall too. The boy is very good with electronics. Melvin sees himself as unimportant. But he becomes the surviving vein to the South Kingdom.

Hitomi Lin

Age: 11

    Hitomi is the odd piece to the South group. The kid is lost in her little fantasy world. She lost all of her family in the raid. Not that many notice her. Well, except for Libby. Other than that, there's not much to say about little Hitomi.

Vince Lorge

Age: 17

    Vince is a strong boy. He is the hands in South Kingdom. Michiko and Vince are dating. Only he knows her secret. Vince is trying hard to her overthrow her step-mother and get to back to the throne again. He too is important to the South Kingdom.

Huishi Orleans

Age: 29

    Huishi is Mae's dad. He loves his daughter to death. Huishi will go to extreme lengths to reunite with Mae again. He keeps her picture in his coat. Huishi is also a strong fighter and important to South Kingdom.

Andate Low:

Age: 13

    Andate is a young thug. He is like a young Richard. Andate likes fights all of the time. The boy is just scared and won't show it. The boy tries to act like a grown man to impress the woman on his side of the wall. But in the end, Andate matures to a man to protect the other people in the kingdom.

Broadie Stern

Age: 27

    Broadie is another important hand to the South Kingdom. He is good with tools. All the more handy to bust down a certain wall that divides a kingdom right now. Broadie is also the ear of South Kingdom. He hears plenty of the information of the Imperial Guards. Not much is known about him other than being an ex-con. And that's about it....

Rose Kelly

Age: 21

    Rose is Mike's girl. She has faith in him. Faith enough to go around the world many times. Rose is a sweetheart. She is the perfect girlfriend. Rosemary and Gwen take care of her in case she has a breakdown. Rose hopes to be reunited with Mike again.

Yuji Ho

Age: 15

    Yuji is an orphan like Hitomi. He too saw his own family get killed by the guards. Now the boy is alone and scared. He is mostly by himself crying. Andate bullies Yuji around for he is weak and can't defend himself from it. Rose and Gwen watch over Yuji like a hawk. In the end, Yuji becomes strong and defends himself.

Ashton Clarkson

Age: 18

    Ashton is the stud of South Kingdom. He is Tea's twin brother. The guy was once man of the house but this whole crisis started. Now, he is just trying to get by with the chaos present. Ashton has won the heart of Frankie and he hopes to see her again.

Libby Rye

Age: 19

    Libby is South Kingdom's map artist. Like Michiko, she is trying to find the path that leads to the other side of the wall. Libby is very good at her talent. She is a shy young little lady with a broken heart. Her boyfriend went onto the Imperial Guard.

Kat Myers

Age: 15

    Kat is another orphan who saw her family get killed. Unlike the other kids, she is strong and wants revenge. She is the only girl that hangs out with the boys in order to break down the wall separating the kingdoms. She wants Lyla's head on a pike.


Queen Lyla:

Age: 42

    Queen Lyla is the evil queen of the series. She was married to Credric only for his crown. Lyla and Michiko hated each other. Five years later, Lyla had Credric assassinated and seized the throne for herself. In order to keep the people from overthrowing her, she ordered a huge wall to be built between the two kingdoms. Now, Lyla watch as the people struggle to survive.

King Credric

Age: 48 (When he died)

    Credric was the kind-hearted king of Rowan. He was the father of Michiko. His one weakness was that he was too trusting. This was his downfall when he married Lyla. Now Credric is pushing up the daises with a bullet in his brain.

Imperial Guards

Ages: 18-35

    The imperial guards are under Lyla's command. They too were once friends of the people of Rowan. But then they turned on Credric and killed him. Now they are just ruthless killing machines of families and innocent people.