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Sapphire City

What change in pace! Naoko looked out the window. He hadn’t expect to see so many people at the train station. The mouse boy turned to Samantha.

“This is it?” he asked.

“That’s right!” the train attendant said. “Welcome to the beautiful Sapphire City! Enjoy your stay!” Naoko turned his head to her with big eyes. He tried to speak, but no words came out. Samantha smiled and picked him up by the arm.

“Here, let me help you,” she said. The train attendant walked the shocked mouse boy off of the train. He only came back to his senses when the cool autumn breeze hit his face. When he turned around, the train was pulling away. He gave the red giant a little wave goodbye. Just one more stop before he reached the center of Heaven.

The rushing by of people didn’t give him the chance to think clearly. Naoko did manage to get a good look around him. As the name suggested, the city was so blue. The soft sun in the sky highlighted the shine not in a violent way. The people walked around shopping or looking for a nice restaurant to have a good meal. Naoko felt his own stomach growl.

When wasn’t the last time I ate anything? The mouse boy figured that it was lunch time and started looking around for a place to eat. What was he in the mood for? Italian? Chinese? Korean? Maybe some good old Southern cooking? This city appeared to have it all.

His eyes looked forward and happened to catch a tan girl in a short blue and gold cheongsam motioning over to him. Naoko blinked and pointed to himself. The girl’s long brown braids bounced as she nodded.

“Me?” Naoko mouthed. The girl nodded again. He looked around again. The mouse boy dropped his shoulders as his shoulder growled.

Might as well, he thought. Naoko walked up to the waiting girl. She smiled and twirled about.

“Good afternoon, sir,” she greeted him. “Have you eaten yet?”

“No,” Naoko said.

“Well, you’re in luck!” the girl said. “My boyfriend and I have just opened our restaurant and we need some new customers to try out our dishes. Are you interested?” Before the mouse boy could open his mouth, his stomach began to grumble again.

“Come on…” the girl said with her eyebrows raised.

“Alright,” Naoko said. The girl giggled as she took him by the hand.

“Away we go!” she said. Naoko fought to try and keep up with her as she raced through the crowded streets.

“Slow down!” he cried. The girl broke into loud laughter. They finally came to a stop in front of a giant blue building decorated in gold dragons and fish. Naoko blinked at the colors and décor with a blank stare. The girl twirled in front of the glass doors.

“Welcome to the Aquamarine Dragon!” she said. “Best Chinese cuisine in town!”