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Chapter Fifty-Seven: Sexy Return:

She comes home today. Mosh plotted everything for that occasion. Too long he had gone without her. His beloved kitty returning would give him the relief that he needed. He sent her a text just hours before she would be home.

I’ve got a nice little surprise for you tonight. Where are you?

She replied back in a few seconds equally excited.

I’ll be home in twenty minutes. Wait for me.

Mosh couldn’t help but to smile at her message. He looked around Aiko Suite once more. He smiled once satisfaction was met. Perfect, the mouse thought. Well, almost. Mosh went to the living room to wait for his centerpiece.

Close to midnight, Mosh heard keys unlock the front door. His ears perked up with excitement as he rushed over to the doorway. He counted down to moments of bliss as the front door slid open. Noiz stood before him with a little smile on her face. The mouse’s heart did a little flip in his chest.

“You’re back,” Mosh whispered.

“Yes,” Noiz replied. “I am.” She took a step forward and gave him a kiss on the lips. Mosh took her into his arms and dragged into the house. The kitty nibbled on his ear.

“What is this surprise that you have for me?” she whispered. Mosh turned to her, smirking.

“Promise me something, will you?” he whispered.

“What is it?” his wife asked.

“Eat me afterwards,” he said. Noiz nuzzled him on the ear in response.

“Of course,” she murmured. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He gave her another kiss on the lips before taking her back to their room. He pushed her down on the bed. Noiz looked up at him with dreamy eyes.

“Take me!” she whispered loudly. Mosh looked her straight in the eye.

“Take you?” he asked. “Take you what?”

“Take me please!” she pleaded. Her husband smirked at her. His finger lightly brushed along her cheek.

“Well okay,” he said. “Looks like I’ll have to grant your deepest wish.” Mosh’s hand moved straight down to her black obi. He stole another kiss from her on the lips as he yanked it loose. Noiz threw her arms around his neck as his hands went for her kimono next. She happily slid off his grey t-shirt and cast it aside. Her warm hands rubbed all over his shoulders. He shivered and landed a heavy kiss on neck. Noiz closed her eyes and moaned.

“Yes,” she murmured. Mosh gave her collarbone a little lick as he slowly slid off the pink cherry blossom silk kimono off of her. The sight of her woke him up in his jeans. Noiz took notice and licked her hungry lips.

“You really have missed me, haven’t you?” she asked. Mosh nodded with red cheeks. His wife gave him a little smile.

“I’ve missed you like this too,” she said. The woman grabbed onto his jeans and unzipped them in a slow manner. Mosh trembled at her touch. Noiz giggled at his reaction.

“Easy there,” she said. She let her fingernails brushed up and down his thighs as she slid down his boxers. Mosh kissed her again on the lips as he let his hands slide up to her bra. His tongue demanded entrance into her mouth as he unhooked each clasp. She felt herself getting so hot down there that her panties started to get wet. His fingers tangled up with white straps before removing the bra and tossing it to the floor. The kitty parted her thighs for her pet husband. His lips lowered down to her ear.

“I will, my sweet,” he whispered. The mouse grabbed onto her hips and slid down her panties. The wet warmth of her pussy beckoned him. Mosh couldn’t hold back anymore.

“I love you so much!” he yelled. The mouse suddenly slid himself into her.

“Oh, you feel so warm!” he moaned. Noiz closed her eyes and whimpered aloud. Her husband began almost immediately with the slow thrusting. Noiz whimpered as she took him in closer to him.

“You feel so good inside of me,” she whispered. He only moaned in response as he still went slowly. Noiz held him closer to her body.

“Harder!” she moaned. “Go harder!” The mouse sped up without a single thought in his head. His wife cried out happily as her claws dug into his back. The mouse yelped out in pain and pleasure before lowering his mouth down to her left breast. He pumped even faster with each flick of his tongue. Noiz leaned her mouth down and bit off his ear. Mosh cried out in pain and pleasure as he pumped even faster. Noiz groaned as she bit down on his other ear as she wrapped her legs. Oh, how good it felt to be back.

The growing bliss led all the way to his climax. Mosh collapsed beside of her, panting. He looked her straight in the eye.

“Now, it’s your turn to fulfill your end of the promise,” he whispered. Noiz gave him a wicked little smile.

“Oh, I haven’t,” she said. “Come here!” She picked up in his small size and dangled him over her open mouth.

That night led to more unexpected treasures for the couple.