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Chapter Three: Shopping:

Louise and Noiz made it outside of the old townhouse. The older woman let go of the cat. Noiz brushed herself off some.

“Why did we rush out of there like that so suddenly?” she asked. Louise took out a cigarette and lit it up. She took a puff before turning to her boss.

“Cause,” the older woman replied. “We’ve got a busy day ahead of us.” Noiz looked at her slightly confused.

“Really now?” she asked.

“Yep,” Lou replied. The cat kept a stoic face. She didn’t buy it at all.

“That’s nice,” Noiz replied. “Now tell me why we *really* left in such a rush!” Lou gave her a cold yet soft look.

“Don’t ask questions!” she ordered. “Just follow! Can you do that?” Noiz looked at her slightly offended. Did Louise talk down to her like she was a child? Boy, how the cat wanted to yell at her right now. But yet, she had to hold her tongue. Any complaints equaled a longer stay. Noiz really wanted to get back to Rob, Kohana, and Ume as soon as possible! So, Noiz nodded bitterly. Louise smiled at her brightly.

“Good kitty!” she said aloud. Then, Louise grabbed Noiz by the arm and dragged her to the garage. The boss became annoyed again.

“Can I at least walk on my own?” she asked aloud. Lou looked at her in silence. She had a suspicious look in her eyes at that question. Noiz rolled her eyes.

“Oh, right!” she called out loud. “Like I’m going to run away to the airport if you like me go! You have my passport and wallet! Just let me walk on my own for crying out loud!” Louise thought about that for a moment. She looked the cat sternly in the eye.

“Are you going to stay in my sight the whole time?” the older woman asked sharply. Noiz rolled her eyes again.

“Yeah, yeah,” she replied. “Now can you let go?”

“Fine, fine,” Louise replied. “But you are to stay within my sight at all times!” She let go of Noiz’s arm. The kitty rubbed the nail imprints in pain.

“Yeah, I get it!” she hissed aloud. Louise looked on at her as she unlocked the doors of the rental car. Noiz was about to get on the left side when her employee grabbed her by the shoulder. The cat looked up at her confused.

“What are you doing?” she asked puzzled. Louise shook her head at her smiling.

“You’re getting in on the driver’s side,” she answered trying not to laugh at her confused boss-friend.

“So?” Noiz asked half-blankly. Lou smiled at her still.

“*I’m* driving!” she called. “Something tells me that you’re more used to driving on the right side of the car and the left side of the road. Since I know it’s the other way around in the states, I should drive. Get the picture?” The kitty looked at her blankly. Lou had point there. Her employee grinned on at her still.

“Right!” she called. “To the other side you go!” The older woman pushed the cat to the right side of the car.

“Okay, okay!” Noiz called out loud. “I’m going! I’m going! Don’t push me!” She climbed in and shut the door. Louise climbed into the driver’s side as her hostage buckled up. Once she did the same thing, the driver put the key into the ignition and started up the car. They pulled out and drove off.

“So where exactly are we going today anyway?” Noiz asked in the car as they drove on.

“The French Quarter,” Louise replied. “We’ll do a little sight-seeing, then some shopping, pick up lunch, a little more shopping, catch a movie, pick up dinner, go to a club, and head home.” Noiz didn’t object at all. She couldn’t anyway. Louise called the shots here today, not her. The older woman reached into the glove compartment and pulled out some cash. She handed it right to her boss. Noiz looked at her confused.

“Spending money,” Lou replied. “Keep track of how much you spend because I’m not getting you more! That’s all you get for the day! You got me?” Noiz nodded once.

“Good!” Louise said aloud. She honked the horn loudly to the car ahead of them.

“COME ON!!!” she screamed out. “DO THE DAMN SPEED LIMIT!!!” Louise honked the horn even louder. The car went on slower. The older woman began screaming out profanity at the driver. Noiz pretended not to hear her at all. She had grown used to hearing her staff members screaming at the traffic while driving for years now. This was just nothing new.

After thirty more minutes of Louise screaming at the traffic, the women made it to the French Quarter. Louis stopped the car with a quick jerk. Noiz straightened up her hair some. Louise turned right around to her.

“Now remember, stay in my sight at all times keep up with your money at all times, got me?” she reminded her hostage. Noiz rolled her eyes as she nodded at her.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!” she mumbled to her captor. Louise grinned at her brightly as she patted her on the head.

“Good kitty!” she said aloud. “You’ll love the French Quarter post-Katrina!” Noiz looked at her crossly. She began pushing off the employee’s hand from her head.

“Don’t touch me!” she hissed. Louise wagged her slender black finger at the kitty boss.

“Tsk-tsk!” she called out. “You’re supposed to be a happy kitty while we’re on vacation here! So, smile for me!” Noiz flashed a quick one and went back to her real mood. Lou shook her head at her smiling.

“No, no,” she said. “No good at all! Give me a better smile than that!” Noiz smiled a little bit bigger this time. She kept it for a good ten seconds. Lou shook her head at her while she smiled.

“That’ll do for now!” she said. “Let’s go!” The women climbed out of the car and began their first day of summer break. They shopped for most of the day. Louise dragged Noiz around the French Quarter around like a dog on a leash. The kitty found herself secretly excited. She hadn’t been in New Orleans since she was sixteen. Then, they just wanted your money. The people in the restaurants demanded a tip and wouldn’t do separate checks. Maybe now, they have softened some since Katrina. Today seemed pretty good. The morning rush began to change over to the afternoon one. Stalls and businesses began to really take off now. Louise and Noiz browsed all of them for great deals. The kitty let her employee take the lead with no questions at all. After all, Lou did come from here. She knew the city better than her boss did.

While looking at the items on sale, Noiz began to think about what to get for her family. The gifts couldn’t be over-the-top pricey. Louise didn’t give her the money for that. They had to be nice yet cheap gifts. So far, no such a thing existed. Then, something caught the kitty’s eye right away. A soft light brown teddy bear sat on a stall looking out at the people walking by. She wasn’t just an ordinary old teddy bear. Her fur looked soft and inviting. Her eyes seemed kissed with the warm brown sun. They matched the little nose on the creature’s face. The bear’s black and red costume placed her in the heart of Mardi Gras. The hat added to the finishing touch. She seemed to say, “Welcome to New Orleans! Enjoy your stay here!” Noiz wanted to reach out and pet the little lady. Louise giggled as she watched her boss’ reaction. The kitty looked up right away startled.

“What?!?” she snapped. Louise shrugged at her some.

“Aw,” she said to her aloud. “You want to buy it?” Noiz looked away blushing quickly.

“Why would you care?” she hissed.

“Cause,” her employee replied. “Being a mom for five years has made you soft!” Noiz glared at her coldly.

“I have not grown soft!” she snapped. Louise shrugged again.

“Hey,” she said. “If you want to buy the bear for you or Ume, more power to ya! I’m not going to stop ya!” Noiz sighed aloud with an on-coming headache.

“Fine!” she called out loud. “I’ll buy the damn bear!” Louise smirked at her some.

“Good girl,” she said. “I knew that you would.” Noiz rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the lady running the stall. Lou watched as her boss did business with the lady for the bear. In one minute, Noiz had the bear in her arms with some money to spare. Louise smirked at her boldly.

“There!” she called out. “Don’t you feel better after buying that silly little bear?”

“Shut up!” Noiz hissed at her.

“Awt, is that a hint of naughtiness towards your host?” Louise questioned.

“No!” the cat said quickly. “Just a statement!”

“Right!” Louise called out. “Let’s get a move on, shall we?” She began walking on. “Well, what are you standing around for?” the older woman called out. “Get your ass moving!” Noiz rolled her eyes yet again.

“Fine, fine!” she called. “I’m coming!” Then, she raced to catch up with her captor. Louise dragged Noiz around shopping and touring the French Quarter. The kitty would have enjoyed it more if her family was with her. She didn’t know. Maybe she and Rob could sneak off to somewhere private and…

“Hey furball bitch!” the kitty heard someone scream out to her. Noiz looked up right away. Louise looked at her impatiently. She had her arms crossed and stamping her foot in the same manner. Noiz looked at her slightly offended.

“What did you just call me?” she asked.

“Never mind that!” Lou called. “Stop daydreaming and come on! I’m starving already! I want to eat so we can shop more afterwards!” She walked onwards again. Noiz sighed aloud.

“Okay, okay!” she called out. “Don’t need to snap my head off about it!” the boss mumbled to herself.

“You say something?” Louise asked her aloud. Noiz shook her head at her captor and raced to catch up with her. The snap was starting to get to the cat. And they hadn’t even had lunch yet.