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Chapter Forty-Two: Sugarfalls:

Saturdays are great do nothing days. Just lie around in bed and do nothing. Noiz and Rob seemed to have that idea in mind today. But, what if more is wanted in bed? Rob decided to find out. He turned to his girl in bed. She had her eyes shut at the moment. The mouse smiled at her warmly.

“Hey,” he whispered. “What are you thinking?” Noiz opened her eyes and looked over at him. She giggled at him some.

“Nothing until you start talking to me!” the kitty answered. Rob looked at her oddly. He rolled over onto his stomach.

“Oh come on!” the mouse said. “I’m just curious about you sometimes.” Noiz smiled at him some.

“Why?” she asked.

“Why what?” Rob questioned.

“Why do you have to feel curious about me?” the kitty asked him. “We’ve been together for seven months now. What else you want to know about me?” Rob shrugged at her.

“Just anything,” he replied. Noiz gave him a little kiss on the lips. The mouse kissed her back. The lightly broke off. The kitty smiled at him wickedly-sweet.

“If you want to get to know me,” she suggested. “Start all the way down there!” Rob liked the sound of that! He quickly disappeared under the sheets. Noiz instantly spread her legs for him. Her pet slowly kissed and nibbled at her chest. He began massaging her nipples with his tongue. Noiz softly moaned. She ran her fingers through short brown hair. Rob began sucking on her breasts happily. Noiz  moaned out overjoyed. He began sucking harder and faster. The kitty shut her eyes and cried out louder. Rob massaged the other breast while he sucked on the first one. His love enjoyed the whole moment.

Rob began kissing downwards again. Noiz moaned lout louder. He made it to her stomach. The rodent kissed and licked on her special spot. His kitty moaned out in high bliss. She became wet down below in seconds. Rob felt it so at his chest. He looked up at her. Lust flooded his eyes.

“Want me to go further?” the mouse questioned. Noiz nodded at him quickly.

“Yes!” she yelped. “Please continue!” Rob smirked at her.

“Okay,” he replied. The mouse went back to kissing and licking all the way down to his final destination. He slipped his tongue inside. The kitty whimpered out loud. Her pet started off slowly. He wanted to savor the taste of his beloved. Noiz moaned out happily.

“Oh Robbie-kun!” she cried. “More! More! More!” The mouse was more than happy to comply. He gradually sped up for his mistress. Rob began nibbling in her as well. Noiz played with his hair as she wrapped her legs around him. The mouse became inspired to speed up even more. Noiz cried out louder and louder.

“Oh yes!” she screamed. “More! MORE!!! DON’T STOP!!!” Rob kept on and sped up in the process. He forced his tongue deeper inside of her. Noiz cried out and arched her back for him. She shut her eyes tightly and drank deeply into the waves of pleasure. Rob was more than happy to supply his lover. He went as fast as his tongue would allow it. Oh she tasted so good! Easy to see why he wanted more.

The show ended when the kitty came at the tip of his tongue. “ROBBIE-KUN!!!” Noiz screamed. The mouse helped himself to the yummy treat. The cat moaned as he did so. When Rob had finished up, he pulled out and came up next to his lover. They smiled at each other and shared another kiss. Guess that answered Rob’s little question. He found a new thing to do on Saturday mornings in bed! Oh yes, my friends!