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    High noon. The crew came upon a huge red torii. The trees blocked out the sun. Haruko tried to look up at the sky.

    "How long has it been?" she asked.

    "No idea," Ryuji said.

    "It doesn't feel like much time has passed," Hisako suggested. Ryuji nodded a bit.

    "Maybe we should ask for directions?" Haruko suggested.

    "To where?" her brother asked. "We don't even know where we're going!"

    "This is true," she said. They all looked at the gate. Kasumi studied it for a moment. Ryuji turned to her.

    "What should we do, Kasumi-san?" he asked. She took a moment to think about this.

    "We need to go into a town and pick up supplies," she said. "The food will be running low at this rate.

    "Gee, I wonder why!" the boy said as he gave the dog an icy glare. Coni growled at him.

    "He has to eat!" Hisako shouted. She patted him on the head in emphasis. The dog petted happily.

    "But does he have to eat all of the time?!?" he complained.

    "He doesn't eat all the time!" Hisako cried.

    "Yes, he does!"

    "No, he doesn't!"

    "Anyway," Kasumi cut in. "Let's just get the supplies and head out."

    "Agreed," said Haruka. They all crossed the torii without any more arguments. The trees overheard began to block out the sun. Hisako shivered. Coni nudged her skinny calf.

    "I'll be fine," she whispered. Ryuji rolled his eyes.

    "How long will we be in the dark?" Haruko asked. Her brother shrugged.

    "Who knows?" he asked. Everyone stayed close. Kasumi kept her ears open around them. The trees seemed to close around them as they walked further down the dirt path. The vines linked the branches together.

    "They just keep eating the sun!" Hisako exclaimed.

    "Keep going forward," Ryuji said.

    "It's getting cold," Haruko said. "Should we move faster?"

    "That sounds like a good idea," her brother said.

    "Alright on my count," Kasumi said. "One, two, three!" They all took off running along the path. The dog ran along the people along the narrow path. The trees seemed to be pressing down on them. They soon had to climbed over the stumps.

    "Help us over!" Hisako yelped in the muddy moss. Ryuji sighed.

    "Give me the mutt," he said. The little girl helped him the dog and climbed over. No sooner had they got over, they all felt drops on their arms.

    "Uh-oh!" Hisako said. The pour came down upon them in seconds.

    "Shit!" Ryuji cried. They all raced further into the woods through the trees and rain. The scenes blurred past them as they kept running.

    "Where can we go?!?" Haruko cried out as she tried to shield her head from the pouring rain. Ryuji looked ahead of them. A blinding light caught his eyes.

    "Up there!" he shouted. The crew all raced towards the light. In moments, the rain just stopped. Everyone looked around confused.

    "What just happened?" Ryuji asked.

    "You're in my hometown," a small voice replied. They all looked up to find the source.

Chapter Thirteen: Sunshine Town Pt. 1