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Sweet City

Naoko awoke the next morning to see Princess Hera sitting at the foot of his bed. The mouse boy tilted his head.

Princess?” he asked. “What are you doing here?”

You want to know where to find your Midori-chan, don't you?” she asked. The mouse boy looked at her with big eyes.

Yes!” he said. “Where is...?” The princess put her finger to his lips.

I will show you,” she said. She moved her finger to his forehead. Naoko's eyes widened as images flashed before his eyes. He could see mostly the color pink. Singing floated through his ears. A bright light formed and there was Midori-chan in the center of this Heaven. Hera drew back her fingers. Naoko looked at her, wide-eyed.

Thank you,” he said.

You can go to her right now if you want,” Hera said. “You have all the directions to get there and everything.”

I do?” Naoko asked.

Yes,” she said. “If you like, you can catch the first Swan boat to the Dream's river in the next few minutes. Your clothes are cleaned and on the dresser.” The mouse boy jumped out bed.

Thank you, Princess!” he said.

Oh, and Naoko-san,” she said. The mouse boy turned around. Hera said up and drew small circles in the air. A small pink jewel formed and dropped in her hand. She closed her fist around it and started chanting. A warm light shined through the skin. Hera smiled and opened her hand.

Here,” she said. The mouse boy tilted his head.

What is this?” he asked.

All of the recipes from last night's dinners,” the princess said. “I could hear your thoughts as you were eating the dinner.” Naoko gave her an odd face.

But how?” he asked. Princess Hera broke into a little smile.

That's a secret,” she whispered. The princess winked. She walked over to the door. Hera paused just as her feet were in the hallway.

If you leave now, you can make it straight to Sweet City to get your Midori-chan something extra special,” she said. The princess held up her hand when the mouse boy opened his mouth.

Head down to Cupid River and the boat will be waiting for you there,” she added. “I gave you the way to get to your sweetheart. You can't miss it.” Naoko stood with big eyes as he bowed.

Thank you,” he said once more. The princess disappeared into the hall. Once he got dressed, Naoko gathered up his things and headed out of the room.


Naoko made it down to the Cupid River just a little before eight. It felt so much easier to make it around this heaven with the new map in his head. Where would he be going next on this river the color of fresh cotton candy. A woman stood at the dock dressed like a captain spotted him as he approached her.

Welcome!” she greeted him. “How are you on this lovely morning?” she asked.

Great,” Naoko answered. “Is this the boat that will take me to Sweet City?”

It sure is!” the woman said. “Give me one kiss and you can board.” The mouse boy shrugged to himself. He was used to it by now.

Okay,” he said. Naoko walked up and kissed the woman on the cheek. The woman smiled and stepped back.

Welcome aboard the Queen Esmeralda!” she said. “We will be heading out to Sweet City with a few minutes. I will be your Captain Selena! Please walk on board.”

Thank you,” Naoko said. He bowed and walked across the ramp onto the pink and white boat. The captain followed behind and took her rightfully place at the driver's seat. Once the mouse got settled, she put the boat into motion and began the two hour trip down to Sweet City.