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T.J. and Interns

T.J.: Ahola folks! T.J. here and welcome to my domains. These are my interns.

*Turns to three boys and a girl with orange hair*

Soot: I am Soot Terrell. T.J.'s first intern.

Mandy: I'm Mandy Simpson. T.J.'s second and only female intern.

Dai: I'm Daisuke Teshima. T.J.'s fourth intern.

*Mandy nudges a boy with burgundy spiky hair*

Mandy: Come on! Say something! We all said something:

Bem: Fine! I'm Bemmer Hiragana. T.J.'s third intern.

Dai: Don't mind him. He's just a little cranky.

Bem: I don't want to be here!

Man: But you are!

Bem: *To T.J.* But naze?

T.J.: Ask Soot.

Soot: Hey! I didn't want to be stuck with her!

*Soot points to Mandy*

Mandy: You say that like it's a bad thing!

Soot: It is!

Mandy: Naze?

Soot: You're too damn ugly!!!!

Mandy: I'm ugly?!?

Soot: Hai!!!

Bem: So, I'm here because you didn't want to be alone with a girl?!?

Soot: Hai!!!

Bem: That's the biggest bull shit I've ever heard!!!

Dai: I'm  here because I like Spike Spiegel! *Blushes*

Man: Aw! Don't worry. *Pats him on the back* I like him too!

Dai: Really?

Man: Yep!

Dai: *Sighs in relief*

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