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Titan Ko

For years, she wanted children. She loved everything about them. Their laughter made her feel warm inside. Their youthful energy made her happy to be alive. However, her own body wouldn’t allow her to produce offspring. She had no mate to call her own and she didn’t have the right parts for the job anyway. She thought that she would have deal with things the way they were.

That was until she spoke with Hiroko while she was out with her own children. The Mother of the Skies spotted the sky nymph walking among the clouds with two of her sons. She straightened up her kimono and approached the young mother.

“Good evening, Hiroko-san,” she said. “Hello, little dears.” Mother and children paused and looked up.

“Hello, Sachi-san,” Hiroko said. “How have you been?”

“Good,” she said. “And you?”

“I have been really busy with the little ones lately.” She patted her older son on the head.

“I see.” Sachi felt a little tinge of sadness build up in her chest. “You know; I wish that I could have children of my own.”

“You can,” Hiroko said. Sachi gave her a strange look.

“Are you making fun of me?” she asked.

“No, no! I would never do that!”

The Mother of the sky leaned in with her eyes narrowed. “Then how?”

Hiroko leaned into the other woman’s ear. “You have to make them with your own blood.” She noticed the strange look on Sachi’s face. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. It’s really easy. Angel and demons do it all the time.”

“You’re kidding.”

“I am not.”

“So… I could make children out my blood?”


Sachi grabbed her by the hands. “Teach how to make my own children!” Hiroko blinked at her with big eyes.

“O…kay…” she mumbled.


The Mother of the Sky got right to work with making her children. She collected stars, clouds, fire, small stones, rabbit furs, hawk feathers, snow, butterflies, and gold. At sundown, she began her work. The fur and feathers were dropped into a pot of warm water. Sachi mixed in the stones, clouds, stars, snow, and butterflies as she heated up the water. She sprinkled in the gold as the water boiled. After everything was set, Sachi laid down and went to sleep.

Three days later, a small face appeared in the hardened white mix. The little mouth was open as if begging for food. The Mother’s heart fluttered as she gazed upon it. Already, she cut her arm and let the blood flow into the open mouth. A pulse ripped through the air as the face closed its mouth and opened its eyes. The Mother stepped back with her mouth covered.

“You want more?” she asked. The face’s mouth moved up and down if trying to talk. Its mother lowered her hand and smiled.

“Okay, I will give you more,” she said. This time, she cut deeper into her arm and fed the face more blood. The face ended up taking up to half of her blood. Afterwards, she collapsed on the gold and navy tiled floor. She ended up sleeping it off for close to five days. And then…

“Mama!” a voice shouted. “Mama, wake up! Mama!” She fluttered open her eyes. A child about six years old stood over her, staring down. His white-blonde hair could rival the sun in the sky. His deep blue eyes pierced an arrow into her heart. She sat up and placed her hand to her chest.

“My son!” she said. She reached forward and embraced the child. The child slowly embraced his mother back. It wouldn’t be long before this titan-chi would have brothers and sisters.

Strangely enough, no one would know of their existence until about World War II.