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Twix Pigs
(For my Friends)

*Jun-Jun walks in with big bag of Twix*

Yugo: What'cha got there Jun?

Jun: Twix

Yugo: Can I have some?

Jun: Sure

*Yugo takes three bars and leaves*


J.R.: What do you got there?

Jun: Twix

J.R: Can I have some?

Jun: Yeah

*J.R. takes five bars and leaves*


Valerie: Are those Twix?

Jun: Yeah, why?

Valerie: I want some.

Jun: All right.

*Valerie takes seven bars and leaves*


Zero: Can I some of your Twix?

Jun: *Rolls her eyes* Yeah, sure.

*Zero takes nine bars and leaves*


Trevor: Hey, can I some of your Twix?

Jun: *Sighs* Sure, why not.

*Trevor takes eleven bars and runs*

*That evening*

Jun: Finally, some for me.

*Looks in the bag, no Twix left*

Jun: Hey! Wait a minute! *Counts on her fingers* Get back!!!!! You all own me some Twix. *Runs after crew*

Jun-Jun and Brooke's Clash tribute