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Chapter nine: Unknown Territory:

     Soon, Noizchild developed a hunger. Not for food, but a lusty hunger. She and Rob had dated for a full month. Now, she really needed him. But how could she lure him to her without chasing her man away? Well, she would have to try.

     Noiz sat on her  bench-swing in her front yard. This hunger was now unbearable. She couldn’t think straight. Sex was on her mind. It bled into her writing. The whole thing was so odd. Noiz-sama had never had this problem before. She had to do something quickly before it caused real damage.

     Noiz picked up her Orion 2015 and dialed her beau. The phone rang. The kitty shut her eyes. “Please be there!” she thought. Finally relief came.

     “Moshi-moshi.” Rob answered. Noiz breathed easy as she opened her eyes.

     “Hi rob.” she spoke. The kitty hesitated at first. “I need you to come over tonight.” Noizchild said strong and clearly. She felt nervous. This seemed out of character for her. Noiz never invited men over to her house at night. Would he accept her invitation or reject it?

     But to her surprise, he said, “Sure. Anything you like.” His girl felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of her body.

     “Arigato.” she said. “Be here as soon as you can.”

     “Love ya.” Rob replied. Then, they hung up. Noiz breathed again. Now, she was free. But at the price of waiting. Noiz wondered if she could hold out that long.

     Day dressed into night. Noiz was still sitting on her swing outside. Her heart raced in anticipation. “Please come tonight Rob! I might burst!” she thought. The heat was unbearable now.

     Then, she heard a motorbike. Noizchild looked up quickly. Naoko was pulling into the driveway. His woman was overjoyed. Naoko turned off his Gunsnipe and climbed off. Noizchild rose to her feet and walked to him. Her love saw her. He smiled innocently.

     “Hi love.” Rob addressed. Noizchild just embraced him tightly and gave him a romantic kiss on the lips. Her man was pleasantly surprised. Noiz-sama pulled away flushed. She could barely look at him. Rob turned her face so she could see him. He was smiling sweetly.

     “My,” Rob spoke up. “Lovely greeting.” Noizchild just blushed.

     “You wanted to see me?” Rob asked at last. Noiz felt her lusty heat fire up again. Could she say it and fulfill her needs? Well, here goes!

     “Yes!” Noizchild exclaimed. Her cheeks felt burning hot. Come on, out with it!

     “Could you come inside with me?” Noizchild asked at last. Her heat rose faster. Naoko lightly petted her on the head. “Of course I will.” he replied. Noiz-sama felt better. Then, she took her beau by the hands and led him inside.

     The living room was pitch black. Rob began to turn on the lights when Noizchild clutched him from behind sweetly. Her love froze.

     “Please don’t.” Noiz-sama murmured dreamlike. She didn’t need to say anymore. Rob just let his hand drop to his side. Noiz-sama let go of her beau.

     Noizchild sat down on her sofa. Rob sat beside her. He studied her pretty face closely. She looked tense. He could tell Noiz had been burning for days now. One more day could drive her into ruin and madness. Rob couldn’t help but smile. He wanted to do this for weeks now. The chance was here and perfect. There was only one thing to start the night.

     Rob gave Noizchild a sweet kiss on the lips. The heat became sweet and sticky. Noiz felt like a real woman. Yes! This is what she wanted. The kitty girl kissed back. Rob held her close. They didn’t stop necking. Soon, Noiz couldn’t resist anymore. She reached forward and began unbuttoning Rob’s jacket slow and tenderly. She just had to have him! No more lady graces! Tonight, Noizchild was a loose woman! But then, Rob grabbed her by the wrists. Noiz stopped kissing and stared at her young prize. She was worried that she offended him. Ironically, Rob was grinning. He clutched her wrists and rushed up the stairs with her. Noiz-sama was both excited and nervous.

     Rob led Noizchild into a random room and playfully shoved her onto a futon. Noiz looked around the moon-lit surroundings. They were in her guest room. Rob climbed onto her and lightly pinned her down. Noiz’s eyes grew big. Her love froze. Clearly he was going too fast. Well, time to set up a limit.

     “If I’m going too fast, just say stop,” Rob instructed. “All right?” Noizchild was too weak to speak. She just nodded. Rob felt better now. He quickly ripped off his jacket. Then the mouse boy’s hands went for Noiz’s light pink obi. He was about to pull it loose.

     “Stop.” Noiz said in a cracking voice. Rob paused and stared at her. He leaned in close to her sweet ear.

     “Do you really want me to stop?” he asked. Noizchild hesitated at first. Then she shook her head uneasily. Rob smiled in understanding.

     “Okay, then.” he replied.

     He decided to slow down the process some. Rob gently pulled Noizchild’s obi off and flung it away. He began kissing her lightly on the lips. Noiz began to relax again and kiss back. She even slipped her tongue into her lover’s mouth. Rob french kissed her back. His woman let her hands stray down to his shirt and began unbuttoning it. Rob fought hard to keep still as he let Noiz-sama slide the shirt off. She broke off the kiss to get an eye-full. Her heat skipped a beat when she saw his yummy bare chest, shoulders, and abdomen. Noiz instantly lost all doubt at that moment. Her sexual demon was fully awake. Rob grinned devilishly. The fun was beginning. He took her light blue kimono in his hands, slid it off while rubbing against her soft milk chocolate skin, and flung that aside. Rob paused and eyed her.

     Noizchild had on lacy black and pink silk bra and panties. His nose began to bleed slightly. He began to wonder if the heat was too much. No! He had to keep going. He wanted Noiz to claim his virginity. She was the one. This was the perfect night and there was no backing out what so ever!

     Noiz pulled him down to her and kissed him sweetly again. She enjoyed him touching on her. It was time to really loosen up. She began kissing and licking on his neck in little movements. Rob trembled in delight. This felt too good to stop. Noizchild moved from neck to his chest. Her love became uncomfortable in his pants. Noiz slowed down her mouth service and gave him butterfly kisses and tiny licks on his stomach. He couldn’t take it anymore! The mouse boy wanted more! He thought he would burst in his pants! Noizchild must have sensed this feeling in him right away. Because, her hands lightly grabbed his belt and unfastened it. She pulled it away quickly and tossed it aside. Noiz-sama then slowly undid Rob’s pants. Her man’s heart skipped a beat. Noiz decided to torture him for a bit. She slowly and sexually slid off his pants while letting her fingertips brush up against his legs.

     Oh god! That was it! Naoko couldn’t take it anymore. He put his arms around her tightly. His hands strayed down to her bra. He unhooked it in a feverish rush. Noizchild softly moaned as she felt his fingers caress her bare back. Rob yanked the bra off and tossed it aside. He pushed himself back up. The mouse boy grabbed the sides of Noizchild’s panties.

     “May I take off your panties?” he asked innocently.

     “Yes!” Noiz cried out. Her beau yanked them right off and threw them aside. Rob paused and eyed his love’s naked chocolate body.

     His heart skipped a line of beats. His cheeks burned red.

     “Oh wow!!!” Rob breathed out. “You’re beautiful!” Noiz didn’t say a word. She just instantly spread her legs so he could enter her. Rob couldn’t resist anymore. He ripped off his boxers and flung them away. Noiz became hot and wet by the complete sight of him. She reached out and touched his rod. It hard, warm, and throbbing against her fingertips. His heat enhanced her own. But then the virgin shyness rose again as Noiz quickly drew her hand back and blushed. Rob just chuckled and stroked her glossy black hair.

     The mouse boy leaned in close to his love’s sweet ear again.

     “I love you, Noiz-sama.” he whispered. Then, Rob slid himself into Noizchild. She gasped out in pain as he destroyed her virgin barrier. His love tired not to show her pain as she shut her eyes and held on the sheets below her. Rob sensed the woman’s pain.

     “Should I stop?” he asked.

     “NO!!!” Noizchild screamed out. “We came this far! You might as well go on!!!” Rob shrugged and waited for the pain to die down some.

     Once she was calmer, Rob began pulling in and out slowly. Noiz’s pain suddenly melted away. Something else took its place. It was called pleasure. Noiz moaned out in delight.

     “You feel tight.” Rob said. Noizchild held him close.

     “Harder!” she moaned out. Naoko smiled and sped up. His love held him tightly. Sweat developed on his brow as he worked faster and harder. Rob enjoyed the way her sat as she screamed and moaned in ecstasy.

     “HARDER! HARDER!!!” Noizchild screamed out. Rob kissed her on the lips gingerly and obeyed her command. He let his hands stray down to her breasts and lightly fondled them. Noiz moaned louder and arched her back. She wrapped her legs around him to keep a hold on him. That pushed Naoko to pump faster. “You feel great!!!” he cried out. He started to try and push himself in farther. Noizchild arched her hips to his trusts in order to help him accomplish that goal. She began nibbling his mouse ears. Rob’s ears twitched at the sensation. “Yes, Noiz-sama! Don’t stop!” he thought in bliss. Soon, Noizchild felt something strange coming from below.

     “I can’t hold on anymore!!!” she screamed out. Then the kitty girl came really hard. Rob shot cum into her womanhood as well.

     “Ahhh!” he moaned out. Noiz let her body go limp and motionless as his sweetness flooded her quickly. Rob slowed down his pumping and gradually stopped. Noizchild shut her eyes again. This is what heaven was like.

     Rob finally pulled out of Noiz-sama quickly and collapsed beside her. He lie panting in happiness. It was like a sweet lullaby to Noiz. So peaceful. Perfect way to whine down a passionate night.

     “You okay, Noiz-sama?” Rob asked once he got his breath back.

     “Mmm,” Noiz replied. A sweet silence passed between them.

     “I love you, Rob.” she declared. Naoko tenderly smiled. He lightly kissed her on lips.

     “I love you too.” he whispered back. The last thing Noizchild could remember before drifting off to sleep was Rob lightly covering her with the blanket. The demon was now full.

     Above, Jiao and Roka saw the whole show above. Jiao grinned in success. Roka was embarrassed.

     “One point for me.” the she-devil boasted.

     “Shut up!!!” the priest barked.

     “Temper! Temper!” Jiao cooed. Roka sat back and growled. The she-devil grinned. “Now to have them married and parents!” she thought. Oh yes, that bet was really hers. What did Jiao do to seal her victory? She had poured her special sensual dust to feed the sexy monster in Noizchild. "He said no contact, but influence is acceptable." the she-devil thought. She even her own hot lust for the young priest was rising. But she couldn't get any from him until she won the second two parts of the bet. The heat soared even higher. "Aw screw it!!!" Jiao thought. Then she leaned over, grabbed Roka by the cheeks, and kissed him on the lips wildly. Lost in a panic, the priest violently pushed her away. He grasped for air. Jiao couldn't help but grin. The priest looked up in disgust.

     "What was that for, woman?!?" he yelled out at last. Jiao couldn't help but titter.

     "Just giving you a taste of what you will get when I win." she answered.

     "If you win!" Roka corrected. The she devil just grinned.

    "Well," Jiao announced. "I'm off to bed now. Good night." Then she began to walk back to her lavish home. Before she left the garden, Jiao turned and blew her eyed prize a sultry kiss and left him all alone in the dark. The priest sat there in anger and sickness. He was angry at her dirty passes and at himself for his own weakness of reacting to her so easily. How is such a vile woman getting under his skin so easily? He had no problem with other hookers and women. Why was he having trouble with Jiao? There was another thing he found disturbing about the randy beauty. Roka noticed that when Jiao kissed him, he felt a small burning desire for her in his soul. Could he be.... falling for her? The priest blushed her the taste of her soft lips. He touched his own lightly. Oh, now he could see why so many men pursued Jiao.

    Then reality hit Roka like cold water. He was a priest, Kami! Jiao was the enemy. She just wanted his body because he was a proud virgin. That evil bitch was just working him. Roka rubbed his lips hard. "Foul temptress!" he thought in anger. The priest had to do something fast. Otherwise, he would lose it all. No! Roka decided he would not lose to such a slut. He would see to it that this blossoming love withered within days. But then, Roka fell to his knees. It was obviously that the priest was tired. Okay, washed himself pure of Jiao's kiss, go to bed, and then wreck Noiz and Naoko's love. Roka rose to his knees and headed down to holy streams.