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Chapter Seventeen: Wicked Work:

Summer would be coming in days. Excitement filled every bit of Rob’s being. That meant more time with the lovely Noizchild. School sucked at times because that meant less time with his lover. Homework always stole from nights in Aiko Suite. By the time the mouse would be finished, he would be too tired to even walk out the front door to his motorcycle. His sexy dreams of Noiz weren’t enough anymore. He had to have the real thing right away.

But yet, Rob had to keep up his grades. Part of him always wanted to impress Noiz for some reason. That job became harder to do in the last few days of his senior year. The kitty invaded Rob’s mind for the last few days. He couldn’t wait for summer. He wanted to play with her short stringy black hair. He wanted to kiss her over and over again on her cotton candy sweet lips. He wanted to hold her tasty shapely body in his arms. He wanted to play inside of her soft wet…

“Benson!” the sensei snapped at him. The mouse quickly returned to earth. He found the sensei staring right at him.

“Uh…” the mouse said aloud. He looked all around the classroom. All eyes on him. “Damn it!” Rob thought. “This again? I hate when I get lost in my daydreams because of my dry spell!” The sensei and the others waited for the boy to speak. Rob’s in a trap now…

But then, the bell rang. The sensei walked back to the front of the class. The mouse breathed in relief. Saved!

“Okay,” the sensei boomed. “Class dismissed!” The students all hurried away. Rob tried to sneak off as well.

“Benson-san!” the sensei barked. The mouse froze right in his tracks. He looked up nervously. The sensei frowned at him.

“Daydreaming in my class again?” he asked sharply. Rob looked down at the floor nervously.

“I’m so sorry, sensei!” he mumbled to himself. “It won’t happen again!” The sensei glared at him with his famous icy stare of his. Rob felt the fear in shockwaves.

“Benson-san,” the sensei hissed. “Graduation is days from now! You cannot afford to slack off in my class! Do you understand?”

“Yes sir!” Rob yelled out loud. Then, he ran away as fast as he could. The sensei shook his head after him.

That did it! Rob had to fix this problem or kiss graduation goodbye. He knew the only solution to his little conflict.

In twenty minutes time, Rob found himself at Noiz’s door. He rang the bell right away.

“Coming!” his kitty called from inside. The mouse waited outside anxious. “Come on! Come on!” he thought to himself over and over again. He needed this release so badly. Being turned away would make it worse. The door opened wide. Rob looked up right away. Noiz stood in the doorway staring at him. The boy became overjoyed at the mere sight of her. Today, Noiz had on a cute black and white crane kimono. She had her hair back into a ponytail today. The scent of her drove him into maddening desire. Rob could only stare at her so. Noiz blinked at him once.

“Rob?” she called in surprise. “What are you doing over here?” Her voice set him off without trying. Rob’s breath became heavier. His kitty noticed right away.

“Rob-kun?” she asked. “Is… something wrong?” The mouse didn’t answer her. He rushed forward and kissed her passionately on the lips. The kitty found herself pleasantly surprised. She kissed him back almost instantly. More kisses followed soon. Noiz dragged him into the house. The mouse closed and locked the door behind them.

They headed all the way to Aiko Suite. Noiz pushed Rob back onto the bed. The mouse looked up at her excited. His mistress smiled at him wickedly.

“What do you want tonight?” she asked him seductively. Rob smiled at her likewise.

“You,” he replied. “Just you.” Noiz kissed him on the lips once. She had the perfect idea in mind. More kisses followed again. Noiz slowly rolled off his t-shirt. Rob slipped his tongue into her sweet waiting mouth. Her own tongue met his tenderly. She had to relax him some for this to work. The French kisses increased in seconds. Noiz reached over to her nightstand drawer and slowly pulled it open. She reached inside and pulled out some rope. The kitty tenderly moved his arms to the poles of the canopy. Noiz kissed him even more. Rob moaned happily in her mouth. Noiz smiled to herself wickedly. She had him right where she wanted him. Now to act.

Noiz sexually began tying her mouse to the bed. Rob looked up startled. He broke off the kiss right away to speak. The kitty lightly put her finger on his lips.

“Shhh!” she whispered. “Just go with me on this, okay?” Rob turned bright red under her. He lost all of his words right away. Noiz smiled at him wickedly.

“Good,” she murmured. Noiz yanked off her obi in one tug. She tossed it straight to the floor. The cat slid off her kimono in a slow and sexy way. Rob stared at her with big eyes. His nose began to bleed at the mere sight of her curvy body. His member became hard in his jeans. The restrains only made it harder on him. His kitty smiled at him wickedly. “Good boy!” she thought. Here came more.

Noiz began unhooking her black lacy bra. Rob panted harder. This was just wrong on so many levels. He wanted to scream out, but couldn’t. The mouse found his voice choked back in his throat. Noiz smirked at her work. Now to really bring it on.

The kitty slid off her bra and threw it to the floor. She kissed him again on the lips. Rob kissed her back. Noiz slowly kissed down to his neck. Rob murmured softly to her. His love moved down to his chest. Then came his sexy hard abdomen. All in sweet little butterfly kisses. Rob whimpered and moaned the whole time. Noiz liked the effect to him she produced. But that’s only the start!

Her hands slowly moved to his jeans. Noiz glance up at him for a second. Rob looked at her with eyes pleading for mercy. The kitty smirked at him wickedly. A little battle went on in her mind. Should she tease him first or let him have it right away? What a close one she had. Both options looked so good…

Then, an idea came into her. Why not make him beg for her first? Then, she could pleasure them both to their hearts’ content. Noiz slowly unzipped the mouse’s jeans. Rob’s heart raced in excitement. Here came the good part. He braced himself for more. Noiz smirked at him again.

“Mousey wants more from momma, huh?” she asked. Rob’s face went bright red. He could barely speak at first. The mouse nodded quickly.

“Y-Yes!” he stammered out. “Mousey wants more from momma!”

“Shhh!” the kitty whispered to him. “That’s all I wanted to know.” Noiz slowly unzipped his jeans. Rob trembled in delight again. He shut his eyes and waited for more. Noiz smirked at her work once again. She slowly rolled off his jeans. Rob trembled in delight again. Once those were off, Noiz threw them down to the floor. She grabbed onto his boxers and quickly yanked them off. Rob looked up in higher bliss. Noiz smiled at him wickedly. Now for the fun part.

The kitty leaned down and kissed him on the lips. Rob kissed her back happily. Then, Noiz worked to his neck again. All with tiny seductive kisses. The mouse panted and moaned in delight. Noiz slowly and tenderly moved to his chest. Then came his strong tasty abdomen. Finally came the best part of him. Noiz took his member into her mouth. Rob trembled in high delight. Noiz lightly flicked the tip with her tongue at first. The touch and taste quickly made her hot and wet. She had to have more. The kitty began sucking on the tasty treat. Rob panted like crazy. His lover started off slow at first. Her tongue lightly caressed his  member. Rob moaned out louder. The cat worked her to slow sucking. The mouse moaned even louder. The breathing got more rapid. His kitty still went her same slow pace. In seconds, the torment increased rapidly.

“Oh god!” Rob screamed out. “I can’t take it anymore! Give me more, Noiz-sama! Please, I’m begging you! Don’t tease me like this!” Noiz smirked at his words. It would be rude to deny the request of a lover. Noiz gladly sped up some. The mouse moaned out even louder.

“Oh yes!” he cried out to her. “More, more!” The kitty complied without pausing. She began licking and nibbling as well. Rob cried out in high bliss. He shut his eyes and took in the moment. The dry spell began melting away.

But soon, Rob wanted and needed more. Her mouth only teased him for such. He couldn’t take it anymore!

“Oh, Noiz-sama!” he cried out. “Don’t tease me like this! Please let me have your sex!” the kitty smirked at that little request. Another thing she wanted to hear from him. Again, why dent the desires of a lover? Noiz slowly let go of his member and sat up. She slowly stripped off her Victoria’s Secret navy and white striped panties. The mouse watch on in excitement. The best part had arrived. Noiz smiled at him wickedly.

“How bad do you want me?” she asked him in a sexy way. Rob looked at her overjoyed. He felt himself getting hard again. This couldn’t keep on anymore. The mouse had to get it out to focus again.

“So much that I’ll go mad without you!” Rob cried. Noiz smirked at him.

“That’s all I wanted to know!” she called. The kitty took his member and slid it into her. Rob trembled all over in delight. Noiz smiled at her work. Then, she began thrusting back and forth on him.

Noiz started off slow as planned. She wanted to build up some before speeding up. That didn’t take long however. Rob wanted more right away.

“Harder mistress!” he yelled. “Harder! Harder!” Noiz sped up gradually. Rob just shut eyes and let the pleasure take him away again. The kitty sped up even more. She too couldn’t wait for summer. There was so much that she wanted to do with her lover-pet. Tonight was only the prelude of more to come. Oh, summer couldn’t get here fast enough!

Rob came hard within his mistress.

“NOIZ-SAMA!!!” he cried out in the highest pleasure imaginable. The kitty screamed out as she came as well. In seconds, Noiz collapsed beside of him. Both panted hard and happy. Rob finally got his desires and dry spell fulfilled. Only one thing remained however…

“Uh Noiz-sama,” the mouse spoke up. The kitty looked up at him slowly.

“Hm?” she asked. Rob smiled at her a bit nervous. He looked up at his bindings. Noiz looked on with him. The mouse was still tied down to the bed. Noiz giggled a bit.

“Oh yeah,” she said. “Let me get that for you!” Rob nodded at her.

“Yes, thanks!” he called. Noiz reached up and drew out her claws. She slashed the ropes in one full swipe. Rob slowly lowered his arms. Noiz cuddled close to him again. A sweet smile came onto her face as she drifted off to sleep. Rob smiled at her and kissed her on the forehead.

“Night Noiz-sama!” he whispered to her. Then, Rob took his kitty into his arms and went to sleep as well. The mouse finally got all of that out of his system. He could now focus in class and get through until graduation. But yet, nights like that weren’t enough anymore. Rob needed more. Right then, he found the perfect cure for that one. But first, the mouse had to graduate from high school in order to achieve that goal. From then on, Rob had a new motive to graduate from high school.