Youth Bait
Artemis couldn't take it anymore. Noiz had become a disruption to his plans. Animal House was just to be a tax-off and a place for profit. Instead, Noiz ended up banished here. Then, she changed the rules of everything. Now, Animal House became a great place to live. More students began to apply here. Good, huh? Not for the pig! Less of the money wound up in his pocket. Something had to be done and fast. But what? The pig went over every legitimate plan to evict the cat. Nothing worked. Noiz just didn't meet the standards. Stumped, he turned to Perry for help. The dull guy was called out to Animal House early in the morning. He sat in Artemis' office looking tired. The pig sat down at his desk. Perry lightly glared at him. Artemis smiled at him brightly.
"So glad you could make it!" he called out. Perry rolled his eyes.
"What is this all about?" he asked. "You better have a good reason for calling me out of bed this morning!" The pig began to sweat a little bit. He had to make a good case before Perry. The guy was on the dorm housing council board. He could be the pig's last chance. Artemis drew in a deep breath. He shoved Noiz's picture for. Perry looked down at the picture. He looked up at the pig again.
"So?" he asked. Artemis looked at him desperate.
"She's the problem!" he cried out. "Help me get rid of her!" Perry looked at him confused.
"How?" he asked. Artemis shrugged some.
"That's why I'm asking you!" he called. "Surely you can come with something in your little rule book of yours!" Perry sighed again.
"Fine!" he called. "I'll see what I can do!" He pulled put his manual book. He read on quietly. Artemis waited in desperation. Perry looked up at him.
"There is one way..." he began. Artemis's eyes lit up right away.
"Really?" he asked excitedly. "How?" Perry showed him the book.
"Says right here in article 137," he said. "If a housemate corrupts a young new comer, they will immediately by evicted." Artemis looked on interested.
"Corrupt? Corrupt how?" he asked. "How are we talking?" Perry shrugged at him.
"Just, anyway, I guess..." he said. Artemis's eyes slowly grew big.
"You mean, including... sexually?" he asked.
"Yes, I suppose!" Perry called. Artemis smiled wickedly. An idea came into his head.
"Thank you, Perry!" he called. "I now have my answer!" Perry looked at him oddly.
"You're not going to do something bad, are you?" he asked. The pig turned to him smiling wickedly.
"Oh don't worry," he said. "You'll thank me later!" *Sweat drop on Perry's head* "That's what I'm afraid of!" the dull idiot thought. He hoped Artemis knew what he was doing.
Around ten o'clock in the morning, a bus pulled up at Animal House. Noiz watched from her window. She turned to Rob sitting on the bed.
"Hey mousey!" she called. "Newbies! Let's go harass them!
"Again?" he asked.
"Yeah!" Noiz called.
"I'll pass today," the mouse said. The kitty looked at him surprised.
"What?" she asked. "Are you serious?" He shrugged as he still read his manga.
"Yeah," Rob spoke up. Noiz sighed aloud.
"Fine!" she called. Then, Noiz left her laptop and headed outside. Rob didn't even look up when she called the door. The kitty headed out to the bus and watched all of the newbies. All boys no surprise. They looked about fourteen-nineteen. The kitty grinned to herself wickedly. "This should be a killer!" she thought. But then, she saw him. One of the newbies turned out to be a mouse boy. He looked almost as charming as Rob himself. Nice short reddish-blonde hair. Slender yet healthy-looking boy. His clothes looked great on him. Noiz couldn't help but to stare at him. "Oh wow!" she thought as she blushed lightly at him. "Such a cutie!" Noiz quickly shook herself back to earth. "No!" she thought. "I have a boyfriend already! I am not a cheater!" But then, the mouse boy turned and looked over at her. Noiz blushed again. "He's looking at me!" she thought. The mouse boy began slowly walking over to her. Noiz freaked for a brief second. She straightened herself up some. The mouse made it over to her.
"Hi," Noiz said aloud. The mouse looked her up and down.
"Are you Noiz-sama?" he asked her. The cat looked at him intrigued.
"Yes," she replied. "Why?" The mouse boy looked surprised.
"Oh wow!" he called out. "I can't believe it! It's actually you!" He hugged her wildly. Noiz found herself a little confused by this.
"Uh..." she asked blushing. "W-What are you doing?" The mouse let go of her and bowed.
"Forgive me," he said to her. "My name is Asato Ito and I'm one of your biggest fans." Noiz looked at him half-confused and overjoyed. It started good, but something sent off a red flag to him. Something seemed off about this boy. Artemis seemed behind this. But yet...
"Say," Noiz said as she lightly put her arm around him. "Care to take a walk with me?" The boy looked overjoyed.
"Really? You mean it?" he asked. Noiz nodded at him softly.
"Yeah," she said lightly. "Let's go." Then, they headed into the garden. Rob watched from above. He too could tell something was JDLR. (Just Didn't Look Right.) He too decided to keep a close look out. The morning turned out to be a nice one. Noiz and Asato talked so much. Asato turned out to be a nice boy. He loved manga and video games. Asato watched to be a kindergarten teacher. Noiz found herself impressed with him. But yet, she still had a little problem. Not just the little suspicion, but something much greater. Noiz... actually fancied the guy! Let's face it! She's a cat and he's a mouse. Instant attraction right there. Something had to be done.
"Uh... Asato," Noiz spoke up.
"Yeah," the mouse replied. Noiz swallowed some.
"Why Tokyo-Zion Academy?" she asked. "Why here?" Asato shrugged at him.
"It got good marks," he said.
"It's a lie!" she said to him. The mouse looked at him confused.
"Huh?" he asked. Noiz lowered her head and shook it.
"I didn't want to tell you this," she said. Asato watched her still.
"Tell me what?" he asked. Noiz broke down and told him fake little horror stories about TZA. She even taunted him some. The kitty gave it her all. But sadly, it all backfired. Asato gave her a nice little smile.
"Thanks," he said. "But I can manage." Then, he got up to walk away. Noiz stared on blankly. "Uh...." she thought. "What just happened?"
By lunch, Noiz still looked confused. Rob noticed her face.
"Other man turned you down?" he joked. Noiz shook her head slowly.
"I tried to put him off," she explained. "But he took it as nothing."
"Oh..." Rob said. A short pause came along. "Think he's working for the pig?" the mouse asked.
"Seems that way," Noiz replied uneasily.
"So what are you going to do?" he asked.
"I don't know..." Noiz replied. Such a rough battle indeed.
"I can't do this, san," Asato said to Artemis in his office. The pig looked at him confused.
"What do you mean?" he asked. The mouse shrugged at him.
"She's so nice," he replied. "Plus, she's pretty cute."
"That's her trick!" Artmis insisted. "Don't let her fool you."
"But, I can't keep up!" Asato argued back. "I like her too much." Artemis sighed and shook his head.
"Look," he said. "If you help me get rid of her, you'll get free entrance into the school." Asato thought about that for a moment. He sighed out loud at last.
"Fine," the mouse said. "I'll do it!" Artemis smiled at him wickedly.
"Good boy!" he called. "And goodbye Noiz!" the pig thought. Later that night, Asato texted Noiz a message to meet him outside. They met in the garden. Noiz looked like an angel tonight. Asato smiled at her brightly.
"Hi!" he said aloud.
"Hey," she said back. The moment seemed tense. Noiz forced herself to walk closer. Asato stared at her still.
"You ready to get this over with?" she asked. The mouse nodded at her boldly.
"Yes!" he said. Noiz swallowed hard some.
"I'm going to make this just as quit and painless as possible, okay?" she told him. The mouse nodded back at her.
"Whatever it takes!" he replied. Noiz grabbed him tightly by the arms and the feast began. "I'm so sorry, Robbie-kun!" she thought to herself as she took the first bite. But this just had to done before it all got worse. Deep in the bushes, a bright camera light flashed down below. Artemis grinned to himself boldly. He thought he had won the game. "Goodbye Noiz!" the pig thought.
Later in the night, Artemis walked back over to Perry and one of the officials from the school district that he had called over near the entry. (The official can't stand Noiz either. Don't know why!) They waited for him patiently. The men looked up and saw Artemis hurrying near them.
"Did you get them?" the official asked.
"Hell yes!" Artemis called out. They all crowded around the camera for a look. They all giggled at the pics like naughty little children.
"What are you looking at?" a voice asked right next to them.
"Oh, just that bitch Noizchild's demise!" Artemis called out as he looked up. To his and the other two men's surprise, Noiz was standing right next to them. She smiled at them boldly. Artemis, Perry, the official quickly became confused and looked at the pictures many times.
"If you're here," the pig spoke up. "Then who's with..." He looked at the picture again. Perry put two and two together instantly. He raced all the way to the garden.
"SHANNON!!!!" he screamed out when he got there. Noiz smiled to herself wickedly. Oh, she ate Asato alright. But that was it. You see the mouse had a conscience after all and told her everything. He, Noiz, and Rob plotted a counter attack. After the feast, Asato reformed and Shannon took over the sex part. One of those rare moments that she actually came in handy. She'd do anything to get laid by a legal gorgeous-looking stud. Plus him being a virgin made it a package deal. Noiz grinned to herself wickedly as she looked at the crushed look on the pig's face. "Game, set, match!" she thought. Then the cat headed back to her dorm for the night. Fun's over now. Time for bed!