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A second perspective in the BSC research has examined various measures of implementing the balanced scorecard successfully. Mary Malina and Frank Selto, for example, examined Kaplan and Norton's 1996 assertion that (20) BSC is not primarily an evaluation method but a strategic planning and communication device. the The results of their study indicated that well-designed and well-communicated BSCs appear to motivate lower-level managers Loss Belly Fat to conform to corporate strategy. There Discount Washington Dc Hotels was also evidence that poorly designed and inadequately communicated BSCs lead to adverse effects on the Uk Swingers And Doggers relationship between some top and middle-level management. Christopher Ittner et al. examined another aspect: the use of BSCs in units plans. They found that the subjectivity in weighting nonfinancial measures resulted in disarray in implementation of the plans. (21) Marlys Lipe and Stephen Salterio examined the use of unique and common measures across business that and found incentive common measures were used in the evaluation of business units whereas unique aspects Body Fat Percentage Loss were not given importance in such evaluations. (22)
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(3.) Cox ER, Motheral RR, Henderson BR, Mager D. Geographic variation in the prevalence old: Pediatrics medication use among children 5-14 years insured results from a commercially of US sample. stimulant 2003; 111:237-43.