OCKHAM'S RAZOR Nuclear power : a panacea for climate change?
TIDES OF CHANGE Is the Australian Labor Government sniffing the air on nuclear polution? Let us hope that they use the same noses as they had before the election.
THE CHERNOBYL LEGACY The Children, Oh! the Children.
OBERNEWTYN The war that is Chernobyl.
THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF WAR Some videos of the aftermarth of war below the ground.
RAPE AND HONEY AT CHERNOBYL A short compiled video of the Chernobyl disaster by Artur Laas.
VIDEOS OF PRIPYAT Pripyat as it was, before, during and after the catastrophe. Radiophobia is not a psychosematic disease.
AFTERWORD TO "GHOST TOWN" AND "LAND OF THE WOLVES" How and why they were written.
ELENA'S GLOSSARY This glossary mainly contains terms and expressions which were in use in 1986.
ELENA WRITES I "It's impossible for us to count victims". Words and pictures from Elena. These have been split into four pages to speed downloading.
CHERNOBYL: SPRING 2007 Photos taken by Elena Filatova. There are more than 2,000 dead towns and villages within 250 kms around Chernobyl reactor.
TRIP TO CHERNOBYL ZONE 27th MAY 2007 Photos taken near the heart of the Chernobyl Zone by photographers in Russian version.
CHERNOBYL: SPRING 2008 A gallery of Pluto's Realm of Chernobyl, shows evermore how nature takes over from year to year.
EDITOR'S POSTSCRIPT For the sake of your children and your children's children take what action you can to avoid catastrophes to our country.
PROPHETS AND SOPHISTS The outcome? Ah, well, eventually the whole lot blows up.
THE WINDS OF TIME It is an ill wind that blows no good.
GALLERIES Chernobyl clearly demonstrated that each disaster is unique and that no country can be prepared for every eventuality.
AFTERWORD The power of one event of similar intensity to Chernobyl in the vicinity of Sydney could wipe out a fifth of Australia's population.
NUCLEAR WAR Some brief details of the only two nuclear bombs used to destroy people.
THE GREENING OF PRIPYAT Could this happen to any city, your city?
NUCLEAR BOMBS Can you conceive the results of a nuclear bomb being dropped on a nuclear reactor?
NUCLEAR POWER The dangerous distraction.
HIGH RESOLUTION PHOTOGRAPHS Materials from this page can be printed, copied or used for any purpose.
PRIPYAT Pripyat was always a secret city, 3km from Chernobyl.
PHOTOGRAPHS Photographs of the Pripyat area in 2006 by Mark Resnicoff.
THE COMING OF THE DARK And the returning of the forest.
AN INTRODUCTION TO LYUBOV SIROTA By Adolph Kharash, Science Director, Moscow State University.
CHERNOBYL POEMS Poems from 'Burden' by Lyubov Sirota.
PRIPYAT BEFORE THE CATASTROPHE Photographs of Pripyat before 1986.
AN APPEAL TO THE CITIZENS OF THE EARTH Made by Lyubov Sirota—from the heart.
REMEMBER Never forget the Chernobyl disaster. Study the photos to help you see why.