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"If nuclear power is the answer" the Prime Minister is asking the wrong question.
—Phillip Adams 2007

The recommendation from a selected committee is that twenty five nuclear power stations should be built in Australia to meet future power needs and reduce CO2 emissions. This has the support of Prime Minister John Howard. This page shows some of the dangers that can be associated with nuclear power generation.

The locations of the nuclear power stations is unknown and their positions
as indicated on the map of Australia are not to be assumed to be correct.

This is an account of what happened in the Ukraine and could happen at any one of the twenty five nuclear power stations to be built in Australia.

Read on and take what action you deem appropriate.

As every second passes there is less time and the nearer we are to a living death; just like the folk of Chernobyl...


Elena's Father                                                       Elena's Mother

Elena as a child

Elena Filatova has grown up to be a beautiful and courageous woman with experience behind her and a mission before her to tell the story of a distaster that much of the world prefers to forget.


I have been priviliged in being permitted by Elena (who lives in Kiev) to post from her web page to help convey in a small way the horrors of nuclear contamination.

LINKS Some interesting, some desolating, all worth visiting.

HERE WE STAND The State of the Game.

OUR CHANGING WORLD Prime Minister John Howard's war for oil.

WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS IN AUSTRALIA Business considerations, Liberal powerbrokers and the people of Australia a poor third.

VIDEOS OF PRIPYAT Pripyat as it was, before, during and after the catastrophe. Radiophobia is not a psychosematic disease.

ELENA'S GLOSSARY This glossary mainly contains terms and expressions which were in use in 1986.

ELENA WRITES I "It's impossible for us to count victims". Words and pictures from Elena. These have been split into four pages to speed downloading.




CHERNOBYL: SPRING 2007 Photos taken by Elena Filatova. There are more than 2,000 dead towns and villages within 250 kms around Chernobyl reactor.

EDITOR'S POSTSCRIPT For the sake of your children and your children's children take what action you can to avoid catastrophes to our country.

PROGRESS OF NUCLEAR POWER IN AUSTRALIA Media releases which will be updated as they occure.


PROPHETS AND SOPHISTS The outcome? Ah, well, eventually the whole lot blows up.

GALLERIES Chernobyl clearly demonstrated that each disaster is unique and that no country can be prepared for every eventuality.

QUEENSLAND'S ANSWERS What all Queenslanders should know.

AFTERWORD The power of one event of similar intensity to Chernobyl in the vicinity of Sydney could wipe out a fifth of Australia's population.

NUCLEAR WAR Some brief details of the only two nuclear bombs used to destroy people.

NUCLEAR BOMBS Can you conceive the results of a nuclear bomb being dropped on a nuclear reactor?

NUCLEAR POWER The dangerous distraction.

HIGH RESOLUTION PHOTOGRAPHS Materials from this page can be printed, copied or used for any purpose.

PRIPYAT Pripyat was always a secret city, 3km from Chernobyl.

PHOTOGRAPHS Photographs of the Pripyat area in 2006 by Mark Resnicoff.


AN INTRODUCTION TO LYUBOV SIROTA By Adolph Kharash, Science Director, Moscow State University.

CHERNOBYL POEMS Poems from 'Burden' by Lyubov Sirota.

PRIPYAT BEFORE THE CATASTROPHE Photographs of Pripyat before 1986.

AN APPEAL TO THE CITIZENS OF THE EARTH Made by Lyubov Sirota—from the heart.

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    Last updated 2nd November 2007