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*TNA Spotlight Profile

--Hosted by Rod Moore ( ) to be a special guest on TNA Spotlight with in 2 weeks ahead of time)

--5'7 185 lbs Charlotte, NC

--Romantically involved currently w/ Stacy Keibler-Moore (Married)

--TNA Staff Member

--TNA interviewer: (iMPACT/XPLOSION/PPV's)

--TNA Ring Annoucer (Only for Part-time)

--TNA PPV Pregame show host

--Former host of TNA LiveWire, TNA Experience (W/Stormy)

--2007 TNA Hall of Fame Class

--Executive Producer of TNA Spotlight

--Writer and Director of TNA Spotlight

Home Studios: Universal Studios in Orlando, FLA

Date: Monday Nights @ 8pm et-7pm Ct only on Spike TV

Replays: Saturday Nights at 9 pm only on MYNetwork TV(Check your local listing)

Sunday Morning/Late Saturday Night at 1am only on Spike TV.

TNA promo hits; An graphic display welcoming us to TNA Spotlight on Spike TV in HD. Where we go inside the TNA SPotlight Studios in Orlando,FL Where we see Rod Moore is standing by.--

Rod: Welcome to the show, its Tuesday Night July 15, 2008 how ever there was on XPLOSION this past week but dont worry it will be XPLOSION this Sunday Night From Newark, NJ. The biggest match will take place as John Cena V. Triple H also Internet title will be on the line in a parking lot brawl between Stephaine McMahon V. Alexis Lee and #1 Contender for Womens Tag Team Championship the former Champions of Jackie and Fyre battle against new knockouts of TNA Roster the beautiful people. This should be one good show this week.

Rod: Now its a lil different this is a 2 hr show, but however we do have the TNA pick of the week its very intersed pick its was for the WCW World title in a Tag Team match the winner ears the pinfall or submisson becomes the WCW Champion, Sid and Randy Savage team up against Kevin Nash and Sting we have the match after this short break here on TNA Spotlight.

--Commerical Break.--


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**Road Runner Tubo**


**Auto Zone**

**TNA Mobile**

--The show comes back on the air with Kevin Nash (C) and Sting V. Sid and Randy Savage from July 11,1999 WCW Bash at the Beach.--

--The show goes into a commerical break, as the match ends.--

--Commercial Break.--


**Verizon Wireless**



**TNA XPLOSION Preview.**

--The show comes back on the air with Rod Moore inside the Studios.--

Rod: Welcome back to the show, Of course u know what happened next for the WCW World Title Randy Savage lost the title to Hogan the next night on Nitro in Jacksonville, FL.

Rod: I can't wait to till Sunday Night we will be in Newark, NJ the hometown of Boss Sunny and I bet a lot of fans will be crazy to see their hometown heros returns home for XPLOSION.

Rod: Overall, I have some major news to make, I hope u are ready for them. That #1 TNA Spotlight will be officail for now will be on Tuesday Nights at 9/8CT here on Spike TV due to UFC this Saturday Night at 9/8 the replay of this show will be re-air Sunday Morning at 9am Et/8am CT while 6 am in pt but if u missed or want to see it again Friday nights at 11pm et/10 CT here on Spike TV while Saturday Nights at 8/7 CT on CW but its offical start up in the Month of August.

Rod: News #2 that being a lot of rumor its TNA Spotlight will be relocated the answer its Yes we are in New York, NY at TIme Square or that ESPN zone but we have to wait and see but overall its offical be on August 5,2008 hopefully the next few week u will get more info about that, but the 3 and finals news will be at the end of this show. But we are getting hot in herre coming up next a exlcisive match here on TNA Spotlight so we will be right back.

--Commerical Break.--

**Road Runner Tubo**



**Step Brother Trailer**

**TNA StarStruck on DVD Right now**

**TNA Home Video Presents: best of Rod Moore Vol 1**

**TNA moblie**

**TNA XPLOSION Preview.**

--The show goes into the TNA Arena in Tampa, FL where Rod Moore and Tazz doing a commentary in the Studios where we in the ring with David Penzer.--

(Bell Rings)

Dave Penzer:The following contest its scheduling for one fall. On his way to the win From FairFeid, CT weighting at 330 lbs Matt Morgan (Crowd cheers***)

["Matt Morgan TNA Theme" plays from every speakers as Matt comes out and walking down the isle and enters the ring.]

Dave Penzer: And his oppoment, From New York City, NY weighting at 215 lbs Mike Blade (Crowd boos ********)

["Bleed it out" by Linkin Park as Mike comes out.]

[Earl Hebner is checking the boots of Mike Blade, Matt checking his own boots (ding,ding, ding) Matt drop Mike with a Gorilla Press slam to the mat. Mike is getting up. Mike drop a knee on Matts chest. Mike stirkes a back elbow on Matt. Mike Covers Matt for a pin. Earl Hebner make the count 1...but Matt kicked out.]

Rod Moore: No way to win the match like that.

Tazz: No doubt about it Rod.

[Matt is getting up. Mike is back on his feet. Matt placed Mike on the turnbuckle and executes a follow way slam to the mat. Matt is up Matt executed Mike with a running larait on the mat.]

Tazz: Whoa, that is power for u man.

[The TNA Chants from the fans. Matt executed a running pumphandle slam on Mike to the mat. Matt hits a leg drop on Mike.]

Rod: Nice leg drop.

Tazz: Must stay on the attack.

[Mike is geting back on his feet. Matt nailed Matt with a belly to belly suplex to the mat. Mike is getting back on his feet. Mike is getting hits with the Mount Morgan Drop from Matt Morgan. Matt Covers Mike for a pin Earl Hebner counts 1...2...3]

Rod Moore: Matt Morgan wins!!!

David Penzer: here is your winner by pinfall Matt Morgan!!!

--Show goes into a commerical break, as Matt Morgan is celberation in the ring.--

--Commerical Break.--


**Road Runner Tubo**

**TNA Moblie**


**TNA DVD: StarStruck on sale**

**TNA XPLOSION preview.**

--Show returns back on the air, with Rod Moore.--

Rod:Thanks for the 2 hrs to join in with us on TNA Spotlight here on Spike TV, remember we are moving to NYC for TNA SPotlight new home on August 5,2008 9/8CT and the 3rd and final news it is a new co-host in TNA for this show.

--"TNA SPotlight theme plays as the lady appears on site it was Eve Torres.--

Rod: Wow, Eve Torres my new co-host of TNA Spotlight and welcome.

Eve Torres: Thank you Rod, I hope your wife will not get mad at this.

Rod: Of Course not, but she will not make her debut till 8/5 so u have to wait then, from everyone I m Rod Moore and along with Eve Torres I will see u next week, but this Sunday on XPLOSION.

--TNA Spotlight logo appears as the show goes off the air