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Priscilla - GCH CH Xtacee Neon Moon, CD, RE, NAP,NJP, CGC, TN-N, TG-N

Photo by M Nicole Fischer Photography

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Priscilla earning her CD title with a 4th place!!!


Earning one of her RAE legs at the 2010 CWCCA National Specialty Show. Photo courtesy of Rich Knecht Photography.

Priscilla and I doing obedience Thanks Raquel for filming us!


The garden flag that was made from out favorite Westminster photo-taken by Phyllis Ensley.

Watch me and Priscilla at Westminster! Thank you Amber for taking this video!


At Westminster 2008 (thanks Sharon for the photo!)

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Priscilla being cute!

Hows this for a face? Priscilla came to me from Kathy Schwabe of Xtacee Cardigans out of the "famous" Moon Litter. I named her after one of my favorite Brooks and Dunn songs, Neon Moon. I adore this dog to no end, and what a joy to show! She is smart biddable and easy to live with. She is the dog of my dreams-I look forward to competing with her in many more events! She is kicking booty at NADAC agility and earned her Tunnelers title in 3 straight attempts.

Priscilla finished her AKC Championship and Grand Championship in limited shows always owner handled. She is now retired from conformation except maybe to play in Veterans. Thanks to her wonderful pedigree she has great movement coming and going and from the side as seen below!(Thanks Sharon Fremer for the photos!)

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Priscilla is PRA clear through pedigree, DM Normal, DNA Fluff-Free. Check Out Priscilla's Show Photos!

Check Out our agility pictures and videos!

Pedigree of Xtacee Neon Moon RE NAP NJP CGC

Xtacee Neon Moon RE NAP NJP CGC

Phi-Vestavia Neon Black HT RN ROMs

Phi-Vestavia Nautilus PT ROMg

Salvenik Sea Treasure ROMg

Phi's Amazing Grace Ap Ronel ROMg

Shadowalk Vashon Jettsetter ROMb

Phi-Vestavia Inkling ROMg

Shadowalk End of the Innocence ROMs
Phi-Vestavia Visvrsa Ulamauna ROMbShadowalk Afara Reasonable Doubt

Coedwig Vestavia Luminescence
Phi-Vestavia Glad Rags

Shadowalk PV Under A Silver Lining ROMb

Beckrow Blue Cedar JW

Phi Vestavia Aynweth ROMb
This pedigree was generated by


Priscilla Shows