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Abstactions Art Exhibition



The Co-op wishes formally to acknowledge the assistance and support given by the Ambassador Hotel and, in particular, for the development of Bridges Gallery as an exhibition venue for the Co-op.

We hope you will enjoy this, our Abstractions exhibition, and look forward to having you join us on many occasions in the future.

Abstraction (əb΄stræk∫ən/) - Something visionary; the act of taking away or separating; withdrawal.
Fine arts: (a) a work of art using lines, shapes and colours without reference to natural objects.
(b) a work of art retaining representational characteristics, but expressing them through geometrical or generalised forms.


Amanda J Borg
My works are an exploration of the subconscious mind and how many of us repress emotion. Such exploration allows repressed emotions to be expressed. The way I portray this is through the use of colour.

Annette Bristow-Stagg
Mainly self-taught, I have always been interested in both the fine and creative arts. I endeavour to provoke an emotional response in the viewer through my work. I believe in the artist as a social/cultural reporter, and hope to portray the cultural and social conditions of ‘mankind’ and my own state of mind at the time. Collage, acrylics, gouache and mixed media, together with sculpting and drawing, are my preferred modes of expression.

Juanita Connolly
I have been an artist from the age of eight years. Over the years I have dabbled in oil, acrylic and also water colour painting. However, drawing has always been the mainstay of my artistic passion.

Ann Fitzgerald
Ann is always on the lookout for something different, evocative, and humorous, an unusual angle, patterns, or the play of light and shadow. Often when she looks at a scene or subject, Ann will view different images. Ann considers three aspects of the photographic process as critical to success – idea, image and impact. Recognising a new millennium and the outset of the new era – that of the digital age, this return to colour recycles retired colour transparencies, rejuvenating them into digital images, transforming the realistic image and converting it to an abstract form. Ann’s skill in observing the extraordinarily in what we take the granted should not be under estimated.

Michelle Maree Spizzo
For me, art is about expressing anything. I attempt to recreate the beauty of life and the colours that reflect this in every piece of artwork. My artwork is raw and spontaneous. There is no hidden agenda. Look and see what you want to see.

Ann Williams-Fitzgerald
My current work focuses on exploring the deeply-buried emotions relating to family connections, body image and bloodlines. I am focusing on issues such as heritage, roots, connectedness and belonging. I believe composition is not about recognition, but about the interpretation. I preferred not to title a lot of my work, as I would rather ‘the viewer’ enjoy the viewing experience without my interpretation getting in the way.

Sonya Hopkins
I have always been interested in art. Since developing my creative and artistic skills, I have found myself thinking more and more about my heritage and cultural background, which also comes through into my work. My interests are in painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking and textiles.

Morgan Shelley
I get my inspiration from the movement and colour of the bush. I also am inspired by the works of artist Vincent Van Gogh. The work Flowers for Vincent represents both of these sources of inspiration.

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Website maintained by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald
Ann Fitzgerald Gallery
© 2006 Reproduction in any form is prohibited!
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