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Christmas Morning


Christmas Morning

Marian Jones


A log burns low in the fireside,
It's a warm and cheery sight.
Children are all fast asleep
Dreaming of sleigh bells at night.

The stockings are filled with gifts
To be opened on Christmas morn.
Mothers still baking pies and cakes
And won't get to bed until dawn.

Carrots are laid out for reindeers;
A mince pie for Santa close by:
All is ready for Christmas day
As Mum goes to bed with a sigh.

Just a few hours and kids are awake,
Their excited laughter fills the air.
Gifts are undone with incredible speed,
Colored wrapping thrown everywhere.

Christmas morning is here once again,
Overnight snow has covered the earth,
It's a wonderful time to celebrate,
To thank God for our Saviour's birth.


Copyright Marian Jones




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Page Created : Pam Gallo

Midi :Wassail Song






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