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Here I am, don't you see me ...

Don't you love me anymore ...

I'm right here in front of you...

Why are you walking out the door...

I know your anxious,

I know your scared...

Why can't I  help you...

Why are you so mad...

I'm standing here,

Why don't you hear me...

I said that I do love you,

Can't  you hear the words I speak...

Is there nothing I can do...

I'm standing here, why can't I touch you...

Have you closed yourself up to me...

I'm reaching out to hold you...

Why can't I fill your needs...

Here I am but you don't see me...

You don't love me anymore...

Slowly I am fading...

No longer the one you adore...

Yes, slowly I am fading...

I watch you walk out the door...



By Pam Gallo

2007 Copyright






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