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It's the end of the night

It's time  to wake...

Now to arise my child

In that Glorious place...

On Your cheek you feel

An Angels soft touch...

Like a delicate feather

I loved you so much...

Oh to awaken

From the pain you endured...

To be cradled and loved

In the arms of the Lord...

How I prayed

To take your suffering into me...

How I prayed

That I could set you free...

I was so selfish

To hold you here...

Wanting to forever

Keep you near...

So tonight when you wake

In Heaven above...

Surrounded by angels

Remember My love ...

Oh to awaken

From the pain you endured...

To be cradled and loved

In the arms of the Lord...



By Pam Gallo

2007 Copyright


To stand by Silently

As Any Child is being abused

Makes Us as guilty as the Abuser...

Break the Silence....

Save a Life.





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