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The Rose  Joyce C

The Rose

Joyce C. Lock
Once, just a sprout, amongst weeds and vines;
Braving nature's storms and winter's cold blight.

Repressed and pierced in the thorns of life,
God sprinkles with dew, replenishing in the night.

Ascending beyond trials, affliction, and strife,
A bud launches growth ... toward God's own light.

Restoring in His warmth (tranquility sublime);
Strengthened in the journey, to continue with might.

Reaching ever upward ... Heavenly inspired;
Divine radiance descends. Sun and flower unite.

A delicate bud (beautified and refined)
Blossoms into a rose, then climbs to new heights.

© by Joyce C. Lock
Please Visit Joyce

The Thorn and The Rose

Joyce C. Lock
One is a thorn, another a rose.
Few are friends. More be foes.

Having compassion, others impose.
Many shed gloom. Less spread glows.

You needn't touch or detect by nose.
Every heart knows a thorn from a rose.
© by Joyce C. Lock
Please Visit Joyce




Page Created By Pam Gallo








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