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Wind Blows  Wind Blows
Wind Blows
Loyce Hartley

Wind Blows....
Friends blown together like petals in the breeze.
Minds and heart intertwine.
The familiar feeling of younger days return.

Wind Blows...
Trust comes so naturally
How do you know me so well.
How do you make my soul so calm

Wind Blows...
Love wanders into the air..
Joining the petals like melted wax from a candle.
The warmth feels like the heat from a fire on a winter night.

Wind Blows...
Closer we become.
Until our souls merge into one.
My breath depending on yours for comfort.

Wind Blows...
The wind changes direction.
It blows you from my place of familiar feelings.
You become an independent petal again.

Wind Blows..
You find the warmth of another fire.
You merge with a new soul.
I can feel your breathing no more.

Wind Blows..
I gasp for the air you provided.
It is gone.
Your warmth is there no more.

Wind Blows..
A single petal blowing in the breeze.
Alone in this place of familiar feelings.
Missing your soul inside mine.

Wind Blows..
Time goes by.
Hearts and souls lose touch.
And as an eternal circle..

Wind Blows...


Loyce Hartley

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Page Created By Pam Gallo




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