Gaia and competition

Isn’t a paradise a too much far fetched idea. Why to use such? There are also other reaosns for usinf it than it being an emotionally enthralling idea. It is good to have some idea of what a healthy natural fractureless whole is like. That idea of some initial state of the biosphere is important in understanding the world nowadays. What we are is a remaint of that age long past. Ther state of the world nowadays is a joint consequence of the evolution and of the existence of technology and human culture.
When we think of that initial state, we have to understand that emotions and sense of beauty are also products of evolution, also part of the healthy functioning of that initial state. Thinking gives us just a map, feelings give directions to go toward. So feelings must affect the world toward its healthy natural balance. Otherwiose the system would have been unstabile, not one intercionnected whole but just one fight – what an unoptimised solution! Of course there is competition in the evolution, that healthy amount of competition is needed, not more. There are ways in which also competing parties can cooperate: for better overall living conditions.
How to make this clear? In the evolution’s competition the optimiseed arrangements survive. That means that one must value allying. The more there is fighting, the more impiortant it is to gather force by allying. That means that allegiancies do not lose their role as competition increases. So these are not two opposing forces but two tendencies which support each other. Fighting making allegiancies important and allegiancies gaining in strenght via healthy natural competition. What then is healthy naturaql competition: it is competition which produces stronger allegiancies than the previous ones, or at least prevents deterioration. Strenght here is not measured as military force but as safety: as the sureness of a good future for the whole allegiancy fairly, so that each one gets one’s fair shere of the whole and so a correct role in the whole and so makes the group stronger in the future. This safety demands the building of several life strategies at the same time, it means optimisation toward several goals at once. So allegiancies and soft means have tom be cultivated too.

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