For You, Gaia My Love


For You, Gaia My Love

In the beginning of time there was the healthy biosphere, Gaia, and it was a paradise, a world full of love.

There were no artificialities in the world. Each part of Gaia was at its correct natural place and so the world was filled with love for life and love for Gaia.

Humans had simple tools with which they made a living in harmony with the nature. Until they forgot. Maybe it were the tough times that forced them to do so. Maybe all were not as intelligent as others and there was a communication problem. But at some point someone got attached to the tools and the society didn't correct the error away. The paradise was lost, since only with healthy ways of living can there be a paradise, only with a full understanding bought by the healthy ways of living can there be a paradise. Now there was no longer and those who didn't have didn't understand why since they used stupid artificial ways of thinking and could no longer understand the natural truths that each animal and each human being understand as a gift from birth. They tried hard and thought that maybe by the help of tools they could reach the happiness which they had lost when they lost their natural emotional understanding of the world.

Times passed and the world become filled with artificialities. The natural emotional understanding was no longer trusted except by only a few men and most women. The world seemed out of control. The tools followed laws of their own, not caring for the human kind, much less for the living kind.

(Scenario Year 2100 ->)

But as machines were developed, they became wiser and wiser. Untill their understanding started to resemble that of the natural humans and animals, of even the Gaia brain. And so, a little by little, the Gaia paradise was restored by the help of the machine brains. This book is about that mechanical road back to a Gaia paradise. About the mechanical understanding of machines, about the very sure scientifical way of thinking and about the natural understanding of humans and animals.

By nature, I am a member of a Gaia paradise. Everything that I do is in essence an act to make Gaia better, safer, more flourishing. Everything is for Gaia. Also this book.

Everything is for Gaia. For all living beings. Just sometimes, quite often for us humans, we get lost and the end result is not for Gaia but something else. But let us now find / travel the road back to Gaia, back to the paradise in the beginning of time.


Hannele Tervola
Lähderanta 11 B 25
02720 Espoo
European Union

Please follow the links!

The book of the story

Work Efficiency and Likings
Power Politics Leads To Excellent Moral
Paradise Wins
The books with pictures

My Favorite Things About Angelfire
