God created a perfect world

God created the paradise in the beginning of time. In the modern scientifical language that means the healthy biosphere. It is/was a dynamical world in an ever varying ecological balance but healthy and natural anyway. It can be shown that it was a happy world full of love. And that it will/would win in the modern competition too.
A remark: the fact that humans were meant to live in a paradise, applies only to the healthy natural WORLD which is a very moral place in character, and not to some unmoral arrangement which would cause a paradise for some while others would unfairly suffer.

Healthy is happy.
And a healthy one works better than a broken one.
Applying this to the whole world, one gets the result that a healthy natural world is a paradise and that in a strongest one wins competition the healthy natural world is the winning option over any other kind of world.
In other words, it is a paradise which wins.

I am interested in fitting different views together. The simple model "paradise wins because a healthy whole works better than a broken one" fits together at least the people or groups with the following views:
* a view completely according to feelings: a paradise
* common sense view: "healthy and "broken" are common sense concepts
* the view of scientifical objective thinking: they are also scientifically correct concepts
* a mechanical view: building blocks can be either healthy or broken
* a techinical view: the same as above
* moral view: moral means safeguarding and cultivating the health of a society and its members and of the world at large etc.
* the views of those who bring up children: they are typically for healthy ways of living and good moral
* the views of the environmentalists: they campaign for the health of the biosphere
* the view of the traditional Finnish culture and propably that of many other cultures: it is good to cultivate good health and stupid to break needlessly
* the views of most religions: a healthy natural paradise and good moral are things to aim at
* the view of the strongest one wins competition, in other words totally value-free optimising of wholes: healthy is strong and capable
* the view of a selfish person: the holistic view needed for getting at least the main points right brings into attention the benefit of benefitting the whole
* work efficiency pont of view for people in all kind of living conditions (nature, town, spacecraft, virtual world etc.) with all kinds of rulers: THE NATURE OF HUMANS STAYS UNCHANGED REGARDLESS OF THE EXISTENCE OF THE ARTIFICIALITIES IN THEIR ENVIRONMENT, scientifical truths like this are very sure
* view completely according to naturality: healthily means according to the natuiral ways of functioning
* an intelligence oriented view: natural healthy life gives best intelligence (read my texts)
* the view of an intelligent person capable of handling large interconnected wholes: "healhy" is a good concept to work with
* the view of the average person: also for the average person to understand
* the view of a very stupid person: and for the stupid ones, because it is so practical
* the view of what is commonly thought of as animal level intelligence/stupidity: animals aim at staying in good health
* the computer logic: healthy = well functioning = times 1, broken = non-functioning = times 0.
* a sexuality oriented view: what could be more attractive than health and happiness
* the points of view of aiming at manliness or womanliness: a healthy one is as strong, intelligent and feeling person as one can be, with lots of style too
* the view that we are in fact spirits and no material world exists: the wholes stay uncg´hanged even if their building material is different, so the truth about broken versus unfractured, healthy whole stays valid.
This means that we can support (on these grounds here!) a paradise from any of these many viewpoints.
In other words: all these viewpoints support a paradise. So all the people (with these divergent viewpoints) could ally for the paradise.


You can skip over the following, if you find it too difficult to understand:

Beautiful things are not the domain of tales. They are best ways, which our nature guides us toward, to arrange things: emotional truths, beauty and moral - these all I canput to an objective form, to some extend at least. Please ask me if You do not understand.


Feelings were created by God to be a force which together with our understanding guides us toward best survival in life. POSITIVE FEELINGS GUIDE US TOWARD THE GROUND FOR LIFE, THEY BIND US TO THE PIECES OF OUR NATURAL LIVING ENVIRONMENT, the healthy biosphere. Negative feelings scare us away from unhealthy directions. So what is the base of human functioning, are the things which our positive feelings and understanding guide us toward: if one wanted to speak flowery language, one could say that TO A HUMAN BEING THE WORLD CONSISTS OF OBJECTS OF LOVE. The large scale gets taken into account via feelings in our picture of the world. A holistic view is demanded in this: it gives correct emphazis to things.

Antoine de Saint Excupery: "Only by following one's heart's voice can one see well. The eyes cannot notice everything."

If human nature guides us humans to observe in our lives things that are important in practise, our instincts: sense of importance, feelings, motivation, LIKINGS, sense of beauty and common sense guide us toward the essential in things.

So what at first sight appears to be just irrational likings, often has strong rational grounds. Gaia is one example of that: toward naturality, health, responsibility about the large scale, harmony, cooperation, compassion and love. The Gaia of the sciences is the natural healthy biosphere, the natural base for life. Think of the tale like Gaia and other tale like objects of feelings as bunches of separate adjectives (causes of feelings) instead of as single substantives (descriptions of the reality), then they are also rational.

Written by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Espoo, Finland

The result of God's creation work was intelligently well planned, better than what the chance of evolution could have created, or as good at least if it can be shown that the evolution too would have created a very good world.
In order to be the best possible world, the world that God created needed to be better than any other way of arranging the world, better than anything that one could get from the original by breaking or malforming it. But that's just what the fact that we look like products of evolution quarantees: from the same building parts one canot easily build any bettet alternatives. God could have easily arrived at the same result as the evolution: by taking a round after round in his thoughts and always dropping the nonfunctioning arrangements away and keeping the best ones and other well working ones and making slight changes toward better, he would round after round have arrived at an at least as good arrangement as the evolution, since he used the same method as the evolution but with the help of intelligent problem solving in order to make new arrangements which work. This could maybe be likened to an evolution in which learned qualities get inherited.
In which sense at least was the world that God created the best of all possible worlds? It was what we call a compeltely healthy natural world. So it was the strongest, most intelligent and wise, most socially skilled and with most wisdom of life, the happiest and most fair and most moral of all worlds. As such it would still be the winner in the modern competition with all the technology in the world, so the world that God created is still the winner in how to arrange the living beings fates over any other kind of arrangement. So has it always been and so will it forever be: the paradise in the beginning of time is the winning option and in other words: the world as God created it was perfect!
How to see this more clearly? Our functioning is based on the healthy. The broken parts do not function at all, if they are completely broken. If they are only partly broken, there are some healthy parts in them left and their functioning is a sum of the functioning of the healthy parts. So the whole world is a sum of the healthy parts of the healthy natural biosphere (as a creation of God). What functions best, is the whole biosphere in completehealth and naturality. An illness is a healthy function of a partly broken whole to try to cure itself. It is our nature that of the pack, the society or the world is broken, we try to cure it back to full health: we are moral by our nature. We are by our nature parts of a bigger whole, cultivating its health is what is moral. Naturality is our principle of functioning and it can be seen as action according to the will of God. Why would the world at the beginning of time have been a paradise? Healthy is happy.

If one would take it as a starting point that God is perfect and that he thus created a perfect world, one could deduce all these qualities of the world, I guess.


A God story

Email: KaisaHanneleTervola@webinfo.fi