God's perspective to the world

God’s perspective to the world would emphasise health, happiness, excellent moral and the interconnectedness of things with each other and with God, understanding the role of each thing in the world. My perspective is very objective and emphasises these things, so that it could maybe offer a view of what it feels like to be a human looking things from God’s point of view.
The world is complex. Still, if conceived correctly, it can be handled by the humans’ cognitive capacity in a way which is constructive for happy life and excellent moral and emphasises the connection of humans with God. It is likely that God doesn’t get mixed with his own plans but can handle complex things with ease, unlike the devil who loses the world in a mess. God uses a pertfect point of view, devil a failed one. My perspective is an example of how a good point of view can simplify things a lot without losing any of the dynamics of the world. So God can understand everything and be allmighty (understand truly the dynamics of the world) without being all-intelligent in everything – even though the correct point of view brings intelligence too since it brings healthy ways of living with a good understanding. The God’s ways are hidden from human eyes: to see the right solutions one needs to use the correct perspective and not to follow the errors of others. Eyes do not see but the heart feels…
Maybe this way you (priests etc) could unify my perspective which is really beautiful, with the usual Christian point of view: a glimpse of God’s understanding. And that's what we are supposed to have: to be God's image in some way - in this way too!

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Paradise wins
The world is of love

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Email: KaisaHanneleTervola@webinfo.fi