What is the Tao?
Tao is the way taht things should be done: A GOOD, BEST WAY TO DO THINGS.
It is according to:
* true objectivity
* nature, true NATURALITY
* reality in itself
*a way to do things which is according to the natural power balance in the world (Tao-te-ching: "there is a time for being in motion and a time for being at rest...")
* a good objective observation of the world
* easiness of doing
So what is the natural best way to do things? It is the Gaia's way, the way of the world before the time of all the artificialities. It is Gaia for Gaia, Gaia like ways of action, of life and of the world at large, and Gaia like goals of action, of life, of the world at large.
Life is in the living.
Drown in the flow of instinct level satisfaction:
doing something worthwhile for the common good, meaningful thoughts, the sight of nature, the labour of your own hands and body in gardening work and in cooking, the feeling of the weather in your face, emphatical harmonious social life, the nurturing and teaching of children and other weaker ones, enjoying music and dance,… Singing the song of life.
This is the one and only right way to live. It brings the best capacity in everything at the same time. It is the Masters' way to do things.
Enjoying your life and being emphatical in social life you get a wide awareness which is good for thinking and doing things. Relaxedness brings your whole capacity into use. Trusting feelings you notice the importance of things to life, getting so the proportions right in your picture of the world. The same way you reach also good communication: what touches your soul, touches that of others too. You pay attention to the essentials reaching your own motivational factors and those of others.
Being drown to the flow of life your senses are open and your capacity for observing everything is fully in use. You do not live in your memories but instead experience everything anew each time that you meet it. That makes your understanding excellent: in thinking and in ways to do things you will find the one that best suits you and the situation.
My Favorite Web sites
The Tao stays the same even if the world is of spirits or virtual
Gaia is related to the Tao
Effortless skill
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Email: KaisaHanneleTervola@webinfo.fi