World Computer
Please read my text:
I am just starting this page, so I will first make kind of scrap book notes and arrange them later on.
Like any country is so small among others who are just tactical with it that it may seem conquered by enemies,
likewise must the future world governing computer network assimiliate many interests,
from the needs of running the daily life to commercial interests,
military points of view, the interests of diverse power orineted groups
and individuals, religion, children upbringing and whatever.
So the future world computer isn't just a huge power laid upon the
people. It is more likely to be a huge tool used for many many
different purposes at the same time. So it needs a diversity of
possible goals and a wisdom with which to find A HARMONY AMONG THE
The traditional culture of my home country Finland in North-East Europe
is a grass roots democracy where from the individual views of five
million free people arises via free objective communication a common
tune that everybody agree about on their own, because it is the best
that we have come to think of.
deeds we build the society. The major differentce between the
completely moral and the completely evil ones is whether they have
understood this point or not.
So it aren't the world computer alone which will decide the fate of the
world. What the living conditions will be like is influenced very much
by how much the people understand the ground for their way of living.
Moral means just keeping up good life. It aren't some rigid rule to
follow. But it does demand some understanding that really guides one's
life by the best part of that understanding.
So communication skills - regardless of whether they are the world
computer's own or just ordinary school lessons programmed to the
computer's memory - matter a lot for the people under the world
computer's rule.
I guess that the US army would like to build a magnifient war machine
that would take over the whole world. It would need to understand all
areas of life since otherwise it could damage its own side. But come to
think of that, do you think that some Asian nations would like to bomb
down that side of the globe where the machine is supposed to be kept?
Surely they would! How awful for Americans... But if one would make a
sabotaged war machine that by pushing a button would change its goal
setting and optimize everything for China's benefit only, then China
would be happy and not bomb it down. But for it to work the machine's
ways would need to have the same outer appearance than before, kind of
American, only that in reality it would all be calculated for China's
benefit. If one optimizes to many goals at the same time, to each goal
seoarately but in so general level that it produces the same result,
then one can well have an uncorrupted machine thatr is exactly the same
in its actions as it's totally corrupted side that is shown to Chinese.
Thank God for bringing us these marvellous options!
About how to program it so, please read my text:
on a page two links from here.
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