Everything is based on good

Religion offers a solution centered way of finding answers to even seemingly impossibly difficult questions. It works out the following way: First there is an idealistical yet realistical picture of the ideal answer to a problem: an atmosphere. Next, one finds real things in the world which have that religiously beautiful atmosphere, like true justice while following human values and true health of the individuals, of the society and of the world at large. Those are the things that our functioning is based on, since our functioning is based on the healthy and not on the broken. The world is a sum of the healthy, lovable parts. And best functions the completely healthy world which is what God created the world to be like. This model can solve many of the world's problems, I believe. At least it has always provided solutions. And it has a very beautiful view of God's creation work.

Atheistically said:

All biological functioning is based on good.

All biological wholes are so complex and shaped by the natural evolution that if one breaks them the only functioning parts left are the healthy parts. So all biological functioning is build upon the healthy parts of the healthy biosphere. A healthy whole is positive for happy life, and pack animals safeguard the good of the pack, in other words they are moral. So, the healthy parts, upon which the biological functions are based, are by their nature healthy, happy, positive for happy life and moral. In other words all biological functioning is based on good.

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