Fitting together all the religions
The fitting together of different religions:
I have become aquiantaged with only three religions: Crhristianity, buddhism and taoism. But that already gives me an idea of how one might fit together all the different views of the divine in the world.
We each have a sense of fracturelessness and health and following that voice is what religion is about. The differencies in our understanding and ways of living make us notice different things of the world and make us need different things in order to cure our lives toward full health and naturality. Similarly each culture and each cultural domain has a different view of the divinity because of their different ways of living and different pictures of the world. There is no one truth which is better than that of others, all the religions are correct at the same time and would support each other if added together. But when we say God we mean a different side of human life than when the buddhist or taoist refer to what is religious in those eastern philosophies. We each speak of some side of the healthy natural life but we speak of different sides of it.
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