Atmospheres and thinking
In objective thinking the aim is to form a correct picture of what the world is like. If the picture that we form differs from the reality, like for example the words used in thinking differ slghtly or even more from the observations, then such thinking is not completely objective. But if you describe each phenomenom in your mind just the way that they are in the reality, in other words: if you think by pictures formed by sensory perceptions, impressions, sensations, atmospheres etc., then the thus formed picture does not differ from your observation and so your thinking can be completely objective this way.
In schools pictures with square edges are used to draw your attention to the things described in the pictures. As a child you easily copy every side of them, copying their word-likedness, their imaginativity-likedness and even the square edges. But that produces needless errors to your thinking. You would do much better without those features. And since almost all copy also the sterility and distantness of the school like thoughts, they cease to understand what those phenomena mean to life, cease to put to practise their thoughts' end results fully. Thinking the way that I described above, with also feelings connecting things to life, would be much more objective.
An atmosphere is a landscape with structure. As such it offers a natural form of the best quality objective thinking possible for humans. Even the feelings constituting a part of the atmosphere tell about the role of things in life, connecting so the level of thoughts to the level of practise.
Atmospheres give a landscape with feelings connected to it, reflecting the things in it, so if you understand the message of your feelings, atmospheres give a way to make quick and accurate, very objective philosophical estimates of things.
Atmospheres give information about rhythm, the structure of the whole, its balance and about what material the whole is made of.
Atmospheres fit together with holistic view that contains information about motivational factors, instincts, the elements of the environment and the role of those in life: the rhythm and dynamics of action and of the world at large.
Since I use holistic views in my thinking, atmospheres are important in my thinking.
You can find what an atmosphere tells you the same way that you can follow your feelings in thinking: just concentrate your attention to the things that the atmosphere describes and find out the rationality in those comments.
Read the text Feelings understand.
In remembering things the atmospeheres offer a natural way to recognize things - school like form of written word is not O.K. for thinking and remembering.
Base your perceptions to the atmosphere, feeling, colour, shape etc. and do like when watching a landscape and trying to see all spots of certain colour, shape or the like and to form a holistic view of just them.
How to conceive mechanical things via atmospheres:
See the mechanical things as structures. Generalize and imagine what world would be like if it consisted totally of such structures, so you get a landscape with structure. An atmosphere is just a landscape with structure: see it as such, so you understand a lot via it. What the structure brings and what it takes, what it is like and what it prevents,...
Use several ways of conceiving at once: pictorial and atmospheres at least, so you will learn the connections of those ways of seeing the world and understand also mechanically the things that you conceive via atmospheres. So feelings will no longer be nonsense to you and to your environment, but hard facts.
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