Fullfilling Dreams

Divide your dream according to what needs that are completely natural to human beings, each side of the dream fulfils. Imagine what are like the situations where each one of these needs are met separately (+ all at the same time). Do not make a too concrete picture. Instead rely on your true understanding. Make as natural pictures as you can: totally according to feelings (like created by Heaven, God) and not like theory in book form. Now think of how these needs are met: what you know for sure that is needed for each of these as support: like healthy life, healthy individual, a good understanding of the world with an excellent true unified picture of the world and a possibility to do everything according to one's feelings according to that picture - also in the large scale things! What is the role of meeting each of these needs in the life and functioning of the individual, of the group and of the society? How are these needs met in practise? What can one build upon in meeting these needs? So one has a map (the goal) and stepping stones to build upon to begin with.

The Gaia model helps to fulfil natural needs.

Read the texts Human being forms a whole, All humans have the same needs, Natural life and a natural environment, Developing skills, Sexuality and the wish to copy good ways of doing things, Humans act according to their own motivation, Build upon healthy things and Humans act according to their own true motivation.

Gibran: “In your dreams you cannot rise higher than your best achievements and not fall lower than your failures.”
Your thoughts, your whole understanding is based on your exåperiencies. When you think about something, that dream has the charachteristics of the things that you have already experienced in something. Good like this. Low quality like that then. Structural analogies from one type of action to another would help you to fullfill your dreams, to learn from your experiencies.

Gibran: “The longing of a human being changes, but not her/his love and not her/his wish that love would satisfy her/his longing.”
Our longing is directed from where we are to what we dream about. Our love is directed toward things which satisfy our needs, both social and emotional needs etc. We love the healthy in our lives, the pieces of healthy natural life in our lives. To what extend we love them, does not change unless we satisfy those needs some other way too. To what extend we love them, depends on how well they satisfy our needs. Longing changes as our situation of life changes, love does not change. We long for the things that we need, either for emotional reasons or otherwise.

Hannele Tervola, Finland, Europe

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Kahlil Gibran

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Email: KaisaHanneleTervola@webinfo.fi