Evoluytion means cooperation

The task of thinking is to guide us correctly in the world. That means that the goal is healthy natural life according to our basic nature, now and in the future. In reaching for that our sense of health is important. A sense of health is not merely an idea, it is our view of the world, about what is best strategy in the world, what brings the healthiest result and why. In that we reflect all our experiencies about which strategies are beneficial and our understanding about why they work. We do not rely solely on our own experience but on everything that we know about the subject, so important it is. So an insect flying past us isn’t merely an insignificant being, it is an important source of informations for us, it shows: like this one can live and succeed, if one happens to be like that. The emotionality of a butterfly flying past us reminds us of the importance of emotionality ibn our own life.
What our outer looks are like, that they reflect what we are like inside, is of an enermous importance for this strategy to work, for this means of sharing information about life strategies. Otherwise we could not succeed in making our own estimates.
The grace of a gaselle stops us to admire: how beautiful and light its steps are! So doing we see a glimpse of its mood, of the mood well suited for running with high speed and light tirelessless. We learn so little by little, a mood by mood, what the world is like and what kind of ways bring success in each thing.
We know that “Who graspes a sword, will be likely to be drown by a sword.” That we have to bear the consequences of our own actions. And while the safest choises are the wisest ones, we notice that the aggressive choises often aren’t the safest ones. In the evolution it isn’t the law of teeth, it is the law of social skills and of the ability to ally with others and with the circumstances. The latter is what we call intelligence and health. And good social skiils are a part of health, ois my opinion and the opinion of most of the others – so essential are they to safety and survival.
Here I do not mean a competition of the big predators with the small species. Predators and prey do not compete, they coexist and the predators benefit from the flourishing of their prey and the prey population stays healthier because of the predators. Each population fills a nitche in the ecosystem which is a complex interconnected whole whose health is beneficial to all the species in it, so it matters for them to choose their life strategies so that they do not disturb its ecological balance. In other words they need to ally for the better health of the ecosystem.
The evolutuion isn’t only a competition, it is also an allegiancy: an allegiancy for better health of all beings. If I win or lose but most of my genes survive, it is best that they survive in full health in a healthy environment which is beneficial for life. If you win and I lose, I will seek to mate with your good sides – that will give me a better change of survival than rejecting all that is yours. If you win and I win too, I will do the same: copy your good sides, that brings me the best survival ability. If we are ebnough alike, fit into the samer ecological nitche, use our capocirty in compatible ways, our mating will produce a stronger offspring. But if we are too far apart, we cannot combine the strategies fully, but we can still benefit each other by giving example on healthy ways of living, via our sense of health. Taking part in such an allegiancy is beneficial. Concealing what one is like makes the allegiancy weaker and may cause that from this pool ity will not be the best genes which survive, so your own genes which are restricted to this pool, will have a smaller propability of survival. If your are honest, your genes will mate with the strongest in the group and consequently you will be likely to gety ypour genes to survive. If you disguise yourslef as something that you are not, in your pool the gene combinations do not work as well as they could if you were honest, so you will produce offspring with a lessened competition ability. Honesty and cooperation make the pool survive best.

Short term survival should lead also to long term survival. This is a necessity for the evolution to work out all right.
This can be caused by all the functions of living beings being intertwined. In other words one uses all the building parts as efficiently as possible, each of them being beneficial and usable in many ways instead of only in one specific way. So short term fitness would be largely the same as long term fitness.
This means also that the amount and type of competition that brings the best survival should be inscribed upon our genes: not too harsh and not too mild, and not with misleading results (honest looks are the best, otherwise the best solutions may drop away from the road of some not so good ones).

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