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When we see a glimpse of a fish in a lake, river or the sea, we see a glimpse of an ages old underwater world. While our own world has changed enermously and lacks traditions, the underwater world of the fishes has stayed uncghanged. While the world of the birds that we see flying past, has changed quite rapidly, even though it is still quite much intact in some respects, and while our own world has changed enermously, the world of the fishes and other underwater creatures has stayed unchanged.
What would life be like for us had we lived in another age an entirely another kind of life – that can we see when we look at the fishes’ world of unbroken tradition. What was life like in the past in the age before cities and technology came to change our ways of living, our world. What is life still like for the fishes! What will we all return to, when our momentary insanity vanishes and we return to our place in the nature.