Making good win


The atmosphere tells what kind of thing it is a question of. Find the beginning of a solution based on pleasing kind of atmosphere - not the average atmosphere of your thoungts (realisticality) but by your wishes'. (For example: not the atmosphere of imagination but of (an imagined) real answer.) The Gaia model quarantees that you will find grounds for your solution. (Remember that beauty tells of good functioning.) A holistic view recommends good moral. Get to know the thinking of the Green movement. 1. atmosphere
2. the thing described by the atmosphere
3. the scientifical structure of that thing:
a) the ideal situation (Gaia)
b) realistical situation, a basic situation (like a peaceful country instead of Gaia)
c) roads which lead toward those (forces, developments, for example optimizing)

Good feeling is a charachteristic of things being right from the point of view of life, of Gaia: the healthy world. So find out what is it that is in such a good state, so healthy as to produce that kind of feeling. That is the good side of your answer. Compare it to the bad sides of the other alterbnatives which are marked by ugly feelings.

Good creates an unified healthy whole.
Evil causes fractures to the structure,
making it weaker and disturbing its functioning.

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Good wins

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