Competition in Gaia

A theoretical survey to the harsness of competition and to the amount of cooperation

The force of cooperation is easy to see as a vector sum. It doesn’t lose its signifigance as competition increases. Cooperation is dangerous only when it is a disguise for an attack against justice, which has the feature of treating each thing according to what it is like and so is important also in healthy competition which lets the best win, which is for the common good. The will to fight against being mistreated causes the need for independency.

During the evolution species and individuals inside populations compete about which are the most successful ones. The most fit to the kind of life possible in the environment survive and the least fit drop away. Let us examine competition inside and between three temporarily isolated groups: If in the first group competition is not harsh at all, also some not so successful life strategies survive and the gene pool deteriorates slightly. If in the second group competition is extremely harsh, only short term survival matters and many important safety precautions about long term survival drop away from the factors affecting success in competition. So the gene pool deteriorates in that case too. Both of these groups would do less well than a third group where there has been an average healthy amount of competition, dropping away the unhealthy individuals but leaving the long term considerations into effect so that the group stays in good health also in the long term and is so able to outcompete at least partly the other two groups if their isolation ends.
Deducing from this, there is an ideal amount of competition: not too mild and not too harsh. The ideal is that which creates the healthiest group in the long run.
So the task of the competition is to make the group healthier - such gives the best survival. It is best to cooperate every time that health of the group is not endangered, since that gives added forces and no opposition and consequently the strongest group with the strongest individuals in the long run.

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