The intelligence gap and different amounts of freedom
these are tough times, it seems: large international and national systems getting room at the expense of life, freedom and moral. The logic of harsh competition ruling insead of common sense, human values and high ideals - so it seems. But is it really so? I and the younger generation that I know do not get to choose what they do for work, they are unmotivated and the world is too harsh. But is this a consequence of the world getting harsher, less idealistic or a consequence of a communication gap between the generations which are so very different? I think the latter: the younger generation is just much more intelligent than their parents' generation! It is an intelligence gap of 100 or 1000 times which makes he younger ones proficient in tasks that seems utterly utopistic and impossible in the eyes of the older generation with 1% or less of the intellectual ability of the younger ones who have just only some years ago completed education and entered full time working life.
But how is an intelligence gap of this size possible? I think that it may be a consequence of peace and valuing peace, of the emphazis in an very moral global view in school and university education. With peace one learns to think of the whole, to get main things in the whole world right, to a good state. So peace increases the use of holistic view in thinking and that makes the efficiency of thinking hundredfold or more. The older ones may also have some high ideals - that's why children were bought up wisely in this respect - but they often have a partial view as a starting point and not the holistic view like the younger generation has. With peace one isn't allowing any conflicts, so contradictions in thinking get a negative feedback too and that too makes the thinking ability much better.
What exactly is the way that an intelligence gap makes the situation impossible for the younger generation? The older ones can use their whole thinking ability, so the world is free for them. But most of the real thoughts of the younger generation get labelled foolish and impossible, unrealistical, too philosophical, ungrounded in the eyes of the older ones who are at coding positions as bosses etc. But those thoughts are proper, well grounded really objective thoughts - it is just an illusion created by lesser intelligence and unawareness of the intelligence gap which makes the older ones misestimate, take proper objective truths for foolishness and irresponsibility etc. So only the most mechanical, stupid, easiest thoughts pass as "proper thinking" and that makes life a hell for the so prisoned younger ones. It doesn't help to pick bosses from the younger generation because the older ones would pick the most stupid mechanically thinking ones. One should support creativity and philosophy and pay extra attention to communication between intelligence levels: many of the more stupid ones working at figuring out and writing down things which are obvious to the younger more intelligent ones. And it doesn't help to pick more educated or intelligent older ones either: they are still stupid, unable to give room to the younger ones. My mother is a member of the science academy of the USA - a high honour at the field of science - still I think that everything that she can handle, really understand, is very elementary, a some kind of starting level instead of a result of a thought. So at least there is a country (are countries?) full of able young intelligent professionals, just waiting to get a chance to work in a hundred times to 10 000 times more demanding work than what they are given nowadays. That is an enermous resource, so good that it is difficult to believe it to be true - but it IS true! But if you grasp the chance, you might benefit enermously: there are also skill gaps between countries, some cultures being good at one thing, others in another. Finland could offer excellent skill in holistic objective thinking, in other words: in the ability to handle large interconnected wholes. What is common sense wisdom to us, is clearly lacking in many other countries. So advancing the level of holistic thinking and planning in your own country might be very easy and cost almost nothing: just the ordinary salary of academical professionals, or an e-mail contact to Finland.
Please believe me: this is true, even though most do not notice it. The living conditions of all the younger ones and the fate of the world is at stage in you believing me. So please give us a change to teach to you what our common sense says to be true - to teach it as an intelligent answer as if a result of much thinking and genius like obhective intelligence.
For example, these views of mine are new. I just put them to the form of old familiar truths in order to be able to communicate them to all. But the emphasis on interconnectedness is my own and a new thing as far as I know. Also the view that feelings are rational because they have been created by the natural evolution, is a new thought. That's why these thoughts arern't already in use. They have not been classified as unusable, like you might think, they are just NEW THOUGHTS, so they have to be examined and tried in practise - now for the first time.
But what is it that makes the systems run out of control and the older ones to not to notice the intelligence gap? Times have changed and the old ones who rule were raised during a time when the laws governing the systems were different from what they are nowadays. The limits of growth were not yet in sight, there was no shortage of resources and no problem of pollution all over the world. So the older ones are not aware of the limits of the systems that we use. They use a more idealistical picture of the world with no end of the world in sight at all. They were bought up at times when there were no missiles, no means of the large scale destruction like nowadays there is. They are not aware of the bad sides of the things that they do, they just rely on the good sides. A holistic view is lacking. Likewise they may believe in systems: they were the generation which build them in a sense, for which they were build and for which they now exist. They are not the ones bought up inside the already existing and governing systems which do not react to our needs, to the needs of the generations which are more alienated from the healthy ways of living and healthy rationality of their own understanding. The systems used to be ruled by needs but are no longer, now they are just ruled by stagnated beliefs of the older generations which grew up at the times of need. Now there is a need for a global view, for answering the needs of the third world countries, a need for global cooperation and not for a harsh competition, unless harsh competition means true objectivity and true moral born out of it. We have to consciously think about the future, unlike at the times when hunger was the most urgent need and no end to the usefulness of systems was in sight. Now the needs of the environment are the most urgent ones to meet, we need sustainability. I try with my texts to tie these views together, to make room for sustainability in the world of harsh long term competition. Thinkiong of the long term, of the future too, is essential to our motivation and to our rationality, essential to gaining instinct level support of all, and so it is an important factor in short term victory too. If we are not allowed to trust our understanding and take care of a good future for us all, we are out of order in what comes to our thinking and that is a serious defect also in the short run.
I used to be much more intelligent than what I am nowadays. These things that I now write about I used to consider so elementary thateverybody should understand them on their own. Now I know that it is not so. I try to be the slowest thinker that I can imagine but still it is difficult to see where the others go wrong and to write down thoughts the way that slower less holistic thinkers would think them through. To be clear: I am with the end results of my thoughts and not with the starting points, my thoughts are that clear and sure enough to me.
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