Making good win
The atmosphere tells what kind of thing it is a question of. Find the beginning of a solution based on pleasing kind of atmosphere - not the average atmosphere of your thoungts (realisticality) but by your wishes'. (For example: not the atmosphere of imagination but of (an imagined) real answer.) The Gaia model quarantees that you will find grounds for your solution. (Remember that beauty tells of good functioning.) A holistic view recommends good moral.
Get to know the thinking of the Green movement (= the environmentalists).
1. atmosphere
2. the thing described by the atmosphere
3. the scientifical structure of that thing:
a) the ideal situation (Gaia)
b) realistical situation, a basic situation (like a peaceful country instead of Gaia)
c) roads which lead toward those (forces, developments, for example optimizing)
Allegiancies: similarities, similar interests, similar situation;
already existing solutions
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