Masterful skill

What does masterful skill consist of, in my opinion:
* sensitivity: the ability to observe things
* the ability to form a holistic view of everything with everything taken fully into account in it: wide awareness, a natural holistic view (see my page and the ability to follow complex structures by watching them with one's eyes
* the ability to use one's capacity to the fullest:
+ natural motivational factors
+ changing one's mode of action naturally according to what one does -> the perspective of philosophy of life in use in that

What does masterful teaching skill consist of:
* being sincere so that others can see by themselves naturally what you are doing (at least on the part that you want to teach)
* having something to teach
* rephrasing the skill that one wants to teach on the language of everyday life and easy analogies to everyday life - such offers an enermous vocabulary which should allow the teaching of anything easily and quickly
* an understanding of how the modes and ways of doing affect how one succeeds

My Favorite Web sites

The Tao

My Favorite Things About Angelfire
