How to get more work done
I didn't learn many things in the university, partly because I have a poor memory and partly because the ways of the university didn't suit me. But I learned a lot about using one's capacity effecttively, about why people do in trheir studies well or not well at all. That is very much the same as taoist understanding about how people should do things. The lessons in the university were of the kind that one needs to memorise and then copy to one's own work. That makes the whole thinkibng a mechanical memory game, like building structures from some ready set of building blocks. The usual problem in that is that onewould not by oneself have thought those thoughts and that one's own thoughts would have been too philosophical, too heuristic, too practical or the like. So one ends up in memorising ways of doing and trying to guess what would be teh end result if one used that artificial, technical way of thinking or building from blocks. So in no point there is the real understanding of oneself in use. The whole thing should be build upon one's own observations and travel along them, their route, along the raised questions and asnwers to them. Only then could one make new remarks and understand fully what one thinks. Since the goal in thinking is to aquire new understanding about the world and life, that more practical and more philosophical way of describing things would be better. Now t5he universities support specialisation. Individuals with much capacity in philosophical or practical perspective end up doing only techoical remarks saying "everything about nothing" - work of almost no value at all. While they could have achieved a lot if they had been allowed to proceed their own ways. It is thought that only the most intewlligent ones can proceed their own individual ways. The truth is the opposite: individuality and freedom create theoretical intelligence and true understanding. There is a huge difference in the achievements of the same individual according to whether they proceed technically or practically and philosophically. I have in my texts here chosen points and perspectiuves according to my own understanding anmd not accpording to any tradition. That makes my texts potentially good at providing new ideas which I think worth much. I recommend the same to others, whether they are taoists or buddhists relying on the level of experience or teachers or just anybody interested in developing one's thinking ability. Anybody wanting to do something worthwhile in one's life. Listen to your heart: it tells where you have met the things of most meaningfullness to life, of which you could give more to others than in any other way in your life.
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