Power play as a game with rules of its own

Power play as a game with rules of its own
If the generation of force and safety, good organisation of the whole and other matters of military or economical interest are the only thing that matters and not the well being of the citizens as a value in itself, then we obviously have to take a look about what that point of view says about things: what will be the role of humans, of human values and justice, of caring for the future, etc then? Humans will be just tools in the hands of the large systems. That is not good for hukmans siunce they then often feel that they have lost the power to protect things which they need in life. But that needs not be so: A healthy human works best, healthy in every sense gives the best working ability, and our answering our needs is what keeps us fit to work, keeps us healthy that is. And we are pack animals by nature, our own actions being supported by the environment, so how the pack functions together is of an enermous importance to how we can work, a healthy pack is the most capable one, works together best and gives the strongest and most intelligent working force. This means though that the whole understanding of each individual must be used fully, be it understanding about the work itself, emotional understanding about the working ability of humans, social understanding about the workings of humans as a group or long term and large scale understanding about the importance of planning the future and about the value of cooperation with other powers. In other words, it is a completely free natural fully healthy society with healthy natural moral, rational and emotionally intelligent ways of living. That health is the same as health in the beginning of time, before the artificialities, because the human nature has stayed unchanged.

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