Work feelings


Work atmospheres and feelings connected to the work are typically related to how easy or difficult each thing is to do and how rewarding it is: how much effort we need and how much we so get done. So in guiding work habits it makes sense to pay lots of attention to feelings and atmospheres too.

My feelings are of the essence that I am made of. According to the biological picture of humans, harming my feelings means harming my structure and preventing me from my natural ways of functioning. Letting me to live freely according to my feelings and according to my own understanding but strictly morally, is what keeps me well functioning and makes the society work well together.


We store in the form of feelings and atmospheres information about how well we are doing compared to our goals, so what our feelings tell, our intuition, is objective information about the world. We just need to be factual enough in our associations so that we do not mix things. All our associations have to be classified objectively according to what characteristic causes the association, the likeness. Then we need not be confused about our feelings and atmospheres either.

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