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Canon to Saint Nicholas, Tsar and Passionbearer

Ode 1
Irmos: Come ye, people, let us sing a song unto Christ the God, who parted the sea and led people, even brought them out of the bondage of Egypt: may He be praised.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us.
I implore you, the most glorious King and Ruler of the heavenly powers and all creation, Creator and Lord, Triune and One God: open my unworthy lips to praise Thy servant, holy martyr, Tsar Nicholas.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
Having been the head and the glory of the God-redeemed terrestrial fatherland (Russia is meant - Trans.), you have been revealed as an heir of the celestial fatherland, faithful Tsar Nicholas, though shedding of your innocent blood; therein you are rejoicing, singing with Angels to One Godhead, the Holy Trinity.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
The martyr's crown that had been prophesied by many saints - predicted from the times of old - you laid down your soul for the Holy Russia and for your people, holy Tsar. Thereby you stand in glory in the heaven before the Throne of the King of glory with faithful Prince Vladimir: intercede for us together with him.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen
Theotokion: The wrathful judgment came upon us and the joy of Your people was scattered, Virgin; we all weep and wail and cry out thus: "O, the sword of God! How long before you retreat? Withdraw now, have mercy upon us and we all sing "Power" to our Lady! May she be gloriously exalted.

Ode 3
Irmos: Having set me on the rock of faith, Thou have expanded my lips against my enemies. Make my spirit glad to sing continually: "No-one is as holy as our God, no-one is more righteous than Thee, O Lord."
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
You exchanged the diadem of your perishable terrestrial kingdom for the imperishable crown of the Kingdom of Christ and instead of the scepter you have received a cross in your hand - you are rejoicing with the Tsarina and children.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
In the day of much-afflicted Job you were born; much distress you endured: disdain, treachery, expulsion, brutal murder, and after-after the death-slander against your honest name; yet you received your reward not from the men, but from the Lord. Thereby, intercede for the salvation on behalf of the sons of Russia.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
Aforementioned Job's pleasant life had your life become identical to, holy Great-Martyr; not merely honor and glory, as well as Tsar's crown, but also life itself Satan had desired to take away from you, yet he was overcome to you.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: Thou have been gracious to accept the scepter of the All-Russian kingdom from the hand of the holy Tsar, O Potent Lady. Do not cease covering holy Russia with thy glorious protection.

Sedalen: Who is holy if not the passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas? May the deceitful lips become dumb, those that speak iniquity against the righteous ones: did he not love Christ from the youth like Boris and Gleb? Did he not keep the holy faith in temptations like Job? Did he not bring up his children in devoutness like Sophia the wise? Did he not build the church of God like Justin? Did he not praise the saints like Macarius? Did he not defend the brethren like Eleazvius? Was he not crowned with a martyr's crown like prince Andrew? Did he not pray for the murderers like Stephan? Did he not lay down his life for the holy Russia like Prince Michael? If we honor these, we will venerate this one even more, for he is an atoning sacrifice for us.
Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
When I come before the face of my Maker on the day of His righteous judgment, then, Lady, stand in front of me and save me from eternal torment; may I not go down to hades, but may I rather be saved by Thy intercession, Holiest Virgin.

Ode 4
Irmos: Thou came from the Virgin: not an intercessor, not an angel, but Thou Thyself, Lord, became flesh and saved all mankind. Therefore, I cry out To Thee: Praise Thy power, O Lord!
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
The talent of sovereignty that was given to you, Nicholas, you had not hidden in the ground, as a wicked servant of your Ruler: you brought to Him His own and much more.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
You drank the cup of suffering for Christ and by the baptism-that which Christ was baptized with-the Royal Martyrs were baptized; therefore, the Heavenly Father has seated you at His right hand in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
"May the will of God be done," you uttered O holy Tsar, and thereby offered yourself as a pleasing sacrifice for the salvation of the Russian land.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now, and ever, and unto to the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: Understand ye, stubborn tribes, and do not boast about your might, for only one city is indestructible and your potency and kingdom it is, Ever-Virgin, and it will stand until the end of the age.

Ode 5
Irmos: The Giver of light and Maker of the ages, Lord, in the light of Thy commandments teach us; for apart from Thee we do not known other God.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
Many temples of God you created and venerated holy pleasers of Christ; now you are reveling with the same in the light of the Inapproachable Godhead's temple.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
Modifying the proverb of the Venerable Serafim: "The king who glorified me, I will glorify" -his relics you have brought out of the ground and set them for the observation of the whole Russia, Nicholas, full of God's wisdom; by Seraphim's prayers we are strengthened-a glorious feat you completed.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
In your person, Russia gained a new Nicholas Mirlikiiskiy (The name means "Peaceful face" -Trans.) for intercessions, Grand-Martyr Nicholas, for you laid down your soul for your people and drank the cup of suffering for the people who sinned; because you would not bow before other god, but Christ.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: To the Virgin, the Queen of all-praise of the Orthodox believers. Destroy schemes of the heretics; give peace to those who revere, the Purest, thy truthful countenance.

Ode 6
Irmos: In the depth of sin I am kept, Savior, and in the deep of life I am perishing, but as Jonah from inside the beast, so take me out of distress and save me.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
Do not lay hands on my anointed ones, says the Lord; lest these people of Yours forget, O Lord, that the blood of the Tsar is on us and our children. Now accept, Sovereign, prayers of the Royal passion-bearers, for the redemption of our committed sins.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
Have mercy, God, upon Thy people-who did not disallow the brutal murder of the Tsar-martyr and who crucify even Thee by our transgressions-and, by the pleas of the Royal Martyrs, take away the sword that chastises our land.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
May the deceitful lips, which say that the holy Tsar did not suffer for Christ, be shut. For the horrible murderers wrote it themselves on the walls of the Ipatiev house with secret signs; they had conspired to remove the one who keeps evil away from the Holy Russia: Heavenly Lady, destroy their counsel.
Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: Gloom and darkness, and waters of torment torture thy land terribly, for it is the decree of God and His wrath, but we plead with thee, the Purest, and speak thus: "If it be your willful desire-it is ours-may the virgin plead for Her dominion."

Kontakion:Thou made firm the hope of the Tsar-martyr and the Tsarina, and the children and servants; Thou drew them to Thy love, having predicted them their future rest-by their prayers, have mercy upon us, Lord.
Ikos: Seeing the faith in Christ, which the godly Tsar was concerned with instituting in the land of Russia, and not tolerating this, the enemies of God plotted to slay Christ-loving Tsar-martyr Nicholas at once, and deliver him to death with the devout Tsarina, and the children, and the servants, all Royal kinsmen; yet they were mislead-may the way of the wicked perish, but the righteous ones will live forever-and instead of demise and harm they made them martyrs and intercessors before God. Their blood and the blood of the New Martyrs will deliver the land of Russia, heaven-laden with theomachists; thereby this blood is the seed of the new life in Christ-by their prayers, Lord, have mercy upon us.

Ode 7
Irmos: To the golden image on the field of Deir commanded to worship, the three adolescents of Thee despised the godless instruction; therefore, they were put into fire, but dewed and quenched: Blessed Thou Art, God of our fathers.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
They sought to scorn your integrity and purity - the wicked demoniacs who chose devil as their father; they desired to consume you - but you became spotless sacrifices unto the Lord, co-sufferers with the Savior, Royal Martyrs, who cry out: Blessed Thou Art, God of our fathers.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
Even if many will become silent out of fear of the Jews about the murder of the Royal passion-bearers, the rocks will cry out: for the blood oozes out of the walls of Ipative house - it can be washed off by nothing - indicting the ignorant to sing: Blessed is the God of our fathers.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
Having schemed to dispose of the remembrance of the Royal Martyrs, the children of the God-murderers destroyed the house of Ipative. What foolishness! For the Lord will make temples for the martyrs inside the hearts of the people who honor the Tsar righteously, those who cry out: Blessed is the God of our fathers.
Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: The Queen of all who came before thy sovereign icon, arrange a heavenly haven for our glory, for by it we are saved from the visible and invisible foes of worship, we cry out to thy Son: Blessed is the God our fathers.

Ode 8
Irmos: The God who descended into the fiery furnace tot he Hebrew boys and turned fire into dew; praise the works of such Lord and exalt Him forever.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
You despised the glory of the terrestrial kingdom, but had loved the only Christ, who was crucified for our sake; boldly confessing Him, you were crowned with a martyr's crown, blessed Tsarina Alexandra; thereby, standing before the throne of the King of glory in heaven, you are singing: Praise the works of the Lord and exalt Him forever.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
Holy virgins Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia surrendered all their desires unto the only Ruler, even the beauty of life and glory of the kingdom; together, as a choir, they cry out: Praise the works of the Lord and exalt Him forever. To the kings and torturers ancient martyrs bowed their necks to be slain; Tsarevich Alexiy became like them, having given up his innocent blood unto the stiff-necked murderers to be trampled, while crying out: Praise the works of the Lord and exalt forever.

Ode 9
The Word of God came from God in unspeakable wisdom-to renew Adam, who utterly fell into corruption-from the Holy Virgin was inexplicably incarnated for our sake; the faithful ones extol Him single-mindedly.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
It would be better for you not to be born, wicked tormentors, for it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the Day of Judgment than for the murderers of the Holy Tsar; by his prayers, Lord, strengthen the faith of the Orthodox ones.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
The wounds, that were placed on your suffering bodies, Royal blessed martyrs, the conquerors of demons, show these wounds to be the enemies of our salvation-from their torment deliver our souls.
Holy Greatmartyr, Tsar Nicholas, plead God for us!
You commanded us, Holy Tsar, not to avenge your murder, saying: "Lest evil be multiplied in the land of Russia, for evil will not defeat evil, but only love will." Therefore, pray that we will amass love for God and our neighbors.
Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: The fury of hades, even that cannot overcome us, holy is thy Temple and about thy seed David swore; thy praise is continual and thy power is until the end of age.

Prayer To The Holy Tsar-Martyr Nicholas
O holy passion-bearer Tsar-martyr Nicholas, the Lord had chosen you as His anointed one to judge your people and to be the guardian of the Orthodox kingdom.
You conducted this kingly service and care about the souls with a fear of God. But testing you, as gold in the fire, the Lord allowed bitter afflictions like those unto Job the sufferer; instead of the Tsar's throne he sent you destitution's and martyr's death. Having endured humbly all of that, as a true servant of Christ, you now find pleasure in highest glories at the throne of the King of all, together with holy martyrs: with holy Tsarina Alexandra, holy lad Tsarevich Alexiy, holy Tsarevnas Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia, and your faithful servants; also with the holy martyr princess Elizabeth, all the royal martyrs, and the holy martyr Barbara.
But since you had great courage with Christ the King and suffered for His sake, plead with them: may the forgive the sin of the people that did not forbid your murder, the Tsar and the Lord's Anointed One. May the Lord deliver afflicted land of Russia from vicious godless ones, who were allowed by God for our sin and our apostasy and may He erect the throne of the Orthodox Tsars. May he give us the forgiveness of sins and instruct us to all sorts of charity; may we acquire humility, meekness, and love, which these martyrs demonstrated. May we attain the heavenly kingdom, whereby together with you and all holy new martyrs and confessors of Russia we will Glorify the Father the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever more. Amen.

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