Dream Magick

Use this list to either interpret a dream (symbols) or to help you experience a particular type of dream (colors/herbs). Many of the herbs can easily be obtained in tea form or made into a poulice.

Blue: a necessity for all dream magick
Black: protection from evil spirits while you sleep
Purple: psychic or prophetic dreams
White: purification of the mind and opening the dream up to all the senses and emotions

Astral Projection: Mugwort
Courage: Rose
Good Luck: Mistletoe, Star Anise
Health Dreams: Peppermint, Rose, Vervain
Love Dreams: Cinnamon, Mandrake, Mistletoe, Quassia Chips, Rose, Verbana, Vervain, Wormwood
Money/Financial Dreams: Cinnamon, Mandrake, Vervain
Psychic Dreams: Anise, Camphor, Cinnamon,
Mandrake, Mugwort, Peppermint, Purslane
Shape-Shifting Dreams: Mandrake Root
Spirit Conjuring Dreams: Anise, Lemon Verbana, Mandrake
Spiritual Healing Dreams: Cinnamon, Hops,
Peppermint, Rose, Verbana
Weather-Working/Climate Dreams: Mugwort, St. John's Wort
Wish Fulfilment Dreams: Vervain

Circle: equality, continuity, eternity, union, balance, marriage
Cloud: wisdom, calm, peace
Diamond: money, riches, success, royalty
Eye: psychic connections, wisdom, intelligence, insight, prophesy
Hand: help, freindship, guidance, protection
Heart: love, sex, romance, health, consideration, friendship
Moon: female qualities
Star: strength, guidance, attention, power, leadership
Sun: male qualities
Triangle: mystical connections, magick